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1. Auto-Eface:机器学习加强的程序所产生的面瘫自动评估工具(李婧宇报告)

The Auto-eFACE: Machine Learning–Enhanced Program Yields Automated Facial Palsy Assessment Tool

2. CD206阳性的人源巨噬细胞通过IL-6依赖的机制体外抑制成纤维细胞纤维化(王吉报告)

Human CD206+ Macrophages Show Antifibrotic Effects on Human Fibroblasts through an IL-6–Dependent Mechanism In Vitro

3. 同种异体实体器官移植受者的患病风险:一项系统综述(顾勤浩报告)

Vascularised composite allotransplantation in solid organ transplant recipients: A systematic review

4. 内窥镜辅助乳房全切术后做或不做即刻重建:多中心长期随访报告(冀宇报告)

Endoscopy-Assisted Total Mastectomy with and without Immediate Reconstruction: An Extended Follow-Up, Multicenter Study

5. 高能聚焦超声治疗亚洲人黄褐斑的有效性和安全性:一项单盲、随机、半面对照初步研究(金婷婷汇报)

A study of efficacy and safety of high‐intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of melasma in Asians: A single‐blinded, randomized, split‐face, pilot study

6. 激光辅助鼻整形:保留解剖结构的新一代鼻整形手术?与接受标准开放性鼻整形的患者系列比较(来方远报告)

Laser-Assisted Rhinoplasty: The Future Generation Rhinoplasty Technique to Preserve Anatomy? A Series of Patients Compared to Patients Undergoing Standard Open Rhinoplasty

7. 激光辅助鼻整形:保留解剖结构的新一代鼻整形手术?与接受标准开放性鼻整形的患者系列比较(来方远报告)

Laser-Assisted Rhinoplasty: The Future Generation Rhinoplasty Technique to Preserve Anatomy? A Series of Patients Compared to Patients Undergoing Standard Open Rhinoplasty

8. 降口角肌的解剖及神经支配及其在治疗面瘫中的应用

Topographic and Neural Anatomy of the Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle and Implications for Treatment of Synkinetic Facial Paralysis (吴溯帆报告)

9. 颧骨区血管的三维CT研究:动脉变异和临床相关性(张策报告)

Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Study on the Vessels of the Zygomatic Region: Arterial Variations and Clinical Relevance

10. 带血管蒂的腓骨和髂骨瓣对下颌骨重建的长期功能结果观察:一项系统回顾和meta分析(张磊报告)

Long-term functional outcomes of vascularized fibular and iliac flap for mandibular reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis

11. 面部老龄化:中面部容量经历11年变化的全面分析(赵烨报告)

Facial Aging: A Quantitative Analysis of Midface Volume Changes over 11 Years

12. 面部色素性疾病的联合治疗:亚洲患者的一项前瞻性观察研究。(冯微汇报)

Combination treatment algorithm for pigmentary disorders of the face: A prospective observational study in Asian patients。

13. 隐耳的非手术治疗(郭呈瑞报道)

Non-surgical correction of cryptotia

14. 带神经和不带神经的股前外侧穿支皮瓣用于乳房再造后的感觉恢复

Sensory Recovery of the Breast following Innervated and Noninnervated Lateral Thigh Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction

15. 四次有氧运动结合腹部射频对健康妇女脂肪组织的影响:随机对照试验。(陈燕报告)

Effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise with abdominal radiofrequency in adipose tissue in healthy women: Randomized control trial


16. 应用旋股外侧血管降支扩大颅面游离皮瓣的覆盖范围(李婧宇报告)

Extending the Reach of Craniofacial Free Flaps Using the Descending Branch of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Vessels

17. 三角头畸形开放矫正术的三维分析及手术计划(李婧宇报告)

Three-Dimensional Analysis and Surgical Planning for Open Correction of Trigonocephaly

18. 以最简单的计算机辅助在同一天内用腓骨设计并重建颌骨:效率最大化,成本效益,术中的灵活性及质量(李婧宇报告)

Fibula Jaw-in-a-Day with Minimal Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing: Maximizing Efficiency, Cost-Effectiveness, Intraoperative Flexibility, and Quality

19. 在开放性胫骨骨折中,肌肉能有效改善治疗效果吗?股前外侧皮瓣与带肌肉的股前外侧皮瓣的队列研究的新见解(顾勤浩报告)

Does muscle improve validated outcome measures in open tibial fractures? New insights from a cohort study of the anterolateral thigh flap (ALT) versus ALT-Vastus lateralis flaps

20. 扩展的股深动脉穿支皮瓣乳房再造术(顾勤浩报告)

Breast reconstruction with the extended profunda artery perforator flap

21. 超重/肥胖对组织扩张器乳房重建术后血肿发展的影响(顾勤浩报告)

Impact of overweight/obesity on the development of hematoma following tissue expander-based breast reconstruction

22. 用吲哚菁绿淋巴造影术进行逆向淋巴结显影:在带血管蒂淋巴结转移中减少供体部位创伤方面向前迈进了一步(华威天报告)

Reverse Lymph Node Mapping Using Indocyanine Green Lymphography: A Step Forward in Minimizing Donor-Site Morbidity in Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer

23. 变性患者乳房切除术肿瘤学方面的安全性考虑:术前影像检查,病理评估,咨询和长期筛查(华威天报告)

Oncologic Considerations for Safe Gender-Affirming Mastectomy: Preoperative Imaging, Pathologic Evaluation, Counseling, and Long-Term Screening

24. 上臂整形术+辅助环形吸脂是一种安全的手术(华威天报告)

Circumferential Lipobrachioplasty Is a Safe Procedure

25. 局部激素治疗腹壁成形术患者炎性血清肿:一项随机对照试验(黄兴凤报告)

Local Triamcinolone Treatment Affects Inflammatory Response in Seroma Exudate of Abdominoplasty Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial

26. 术中CT辅助二次眼眶重建的临床结果(黄兴凤报告)

Clinical outcome following intraoperative computed tomography-assisted secondary orbital reconstruction

27. 手腕的检查(黄兴凤报告)

Examination of the Wrist

28. 上睑整形术中使用锐针和钝针做局麻注射:疼痛、淤青、出血的随机双盲研究(冀宇报告)

Anesthesia using microcannula and sharp needle in upper blepharoplasty: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial evaluating pain, bruising, and ecchymoses

29. 利用国家健康数据库来分析韩国近年来唇腭裂病例(冀宇报告)

Data analysis of recent cleft lip and palate surgery in Korea using the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database

30. 整形医师:新冠大流行下的外科战士(冀宇报告)

Plastic physicians: The surgical salamanders of the COVID-19 pandemic

31. 应用反射共聚焦显微镜观察CO2点阵激光对皮肤的非剥脱、微剥脱和剥脱作用(金婷婷汇报)

Application of reflectance confocal microscopy to investigate the non-ablative, micro-ablative, and ablative effects of CO2 fractional laser irradiation on skin.

32. 5% 5-ALA和10% 5-ALA光动力治疗重度面部寻常痤疮的半面随机对照研究(金婷婷汇报)

Photodynamic therapy for severe facial acne vulgaris with 5% 5‐aminolevulinic acid vs 10% 5‐aminolevulinic acid: A split‐face randomized controlled study

33. 点阵1064 Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗252例患者面部年轻化:印度经验(金婷婷汇报)

Laser Skin Rejuvenation With Fractional 1064 Q‐switched Nd:YAG In 252 Patients: An Indian Experience

34. 使用射频超薄电极技术改善皮肤纹理和皱纹(金婷婷汇报)

Improvement of skin texture and wrinkles using radiofrequency ultra‐thin electrode technology

35. 补片固定用于腹壁重建:概念和技术(来方远报告)

Strategies for Mesh Fixation in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: Concepts and Techniques

36. 游离组织移植时微生物定性检测对于保肢结果无预测能力(来方远报告)

Day-of–Free Tissue Transfer Qualitative Cultures Do Not Predict Limb Salvage Outcomes

37. 使用废弃组织对目标肌肉实施神经移植术(来方远报告)

Application of Spare Parts in Combination with Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Surgery

38. 下睑缘劈开前片移位调整下睑睫毛角度治疗非睑内翻性倒睫 (吴溯帆报告)

Redirection of lower eyelid eyelashes by eyelid margin splitting and anterior lamellar repositioning for patients with non-entropion trichiasis

39. 仅使用支柱的阴茎成形术:阴道保存及阴唇整形术(吴溯帆报告)

An Option for Shaft-Only Gender-Affirming Phalloplasty: Vaginal Preservation and Vulvoscrotoplasty. A Technical Description

40. 儿童面部骨折国内趋势:健康护理策略(吴溯帆报告)

National Trends in Pediatric Facial Fractures: The Impact of Health Care Policy

41. Monobloc/Le Fort III截骨手术对上颌后牙列发育的影响及其对正颌手术的影响(张策报告)

Influence of Monobloc/Le Fort III Surgery on the Developing Posterior Maxillary Dentition and Its Resultant Effect on Orthognathic Surgery

42. 儿童孤立髁状突骨折的无创治疗:少即是多?(张策报告)

Noninvasive Management of Pediatric Isolated, Condylar Fractures: Less Is More?

43. 经过治疗的非综合征型颅缝早闭患儿社会适应技能仅会表现轻微劣势(张策报告)

Children Treated for Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis Exhibit Average Adaptive Behavior Skills with Only Minor Shortcomings

44. 乳房切除术伴或不伴乳房再造的肿瘤学安全性和并发症风险:贝叶斯分析(张策报告)

Oncological safety and complication risks of mastectomy with or without breast reconstruction: A Bayesian analysis

45. 腹部皮瓣乳房再造术中原腹部疤痕对术后并发症的影响:一项系统性回顾和meta分析(张磊报告)

Effects of pre-existing abdominal scar on postoperative complications after autologous breast reconstruction using abdominal flaps: A systematic review and meta-analysis

46. 带血管化复合同种异体移植(VCA)的局部免疫抑制:一项系统性综述(张磊报告)

Local immunosuppression in vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA): A systematic review

47. 带蒂的肩胛背骨-肌皮瓣行下颌骨重建的12年经验(张磊报告)

Twelve-year experience in mandibular reconstruction using osteo-muscular dorsal scapular pedicled flaps

48. Flatt IV型桡骨多指患者什么时候推荐初次掌骨矫正截骨术?(赵烨报告)

When Is Primary Metacarpal Corrective Osteotomy Recommended in Patients with Flatt Type IV Radial Polydactyly?

49. 规范化患者的围手术期教育以减少手部手术后阿片类药物的使用:一项随机对照试验(赵烨报告)

Standardized Perioperative Patient Education Decreases Opioid Use after Hand Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

50. 来自腕部临床试验的老年人闭合性桡骨远端关节外骨折治疗的成本与疗效研究(赵烨报告)

Cost-Effectiveness of Treatments after Closed Extraarticular Distal Radius Fractures in Older Adults from the WRIST Clinical Trial

51. 下颌先入路与上颌先入路的准确性以及双颌正颌手术后骨骼位置固定夹板的厚薄准确性(赵烨报告)

Accuracy of Mandible-First versus Maxilla-First Approach and of Thick versus Thin Splints for Skeletal Position after Two-Jaw Orthognathic Surgery

52. Bostwick自体真皮和假体植入技术:改善肥胖患者即刻乳房重建的结果(赵跃军报告)

Bostwick Autoderm and Implant Technique: Improved Outcomes for Obese Patients in Immediate Breast Reconstruction

53. 基于腹部和大腿后部的堆叠皮瓣的即刻双侧乳房重建术(赵跃军报告)

Consecutive Bilateral Breast Reconstruction Using Stacked Abdominally Based and Posterior Thigh Free Flaps

54. 游离皮瓣乳房再造术围手术期预后与医院年手术总量的关系(赵跃军报告)

The Association of Overall Annual Hospital Volume and Perioperative Outcomes following Free Flap Breast Reconstruction

55. 乳房假体重建中使用和不使用外科补片的结果综述(赵跃军报告)

Review of Outcomes in Prepectoral Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction with and without Surgical Mesh Assistance

56. 激光的反向散射在纹身去除治疗中具有重要意义。(冯微汇报)

Back-scattered light during laser-tattoo removal treatments is hugely significant.

57. 双波长低功率激光对感染性压疮的光生物调节作用。(冯微汇报)

Photobiomodulation by dual-wavelength low-power laser effects on infected pressure ulcers.

58. 光生物调节作用在大鼠皮片移植术后的效果。(冯微汇报)

Effects of photobiomodulation therapy in the integration of skin graft in rats.

59. 颅缝早闭综合症患者的远期生活质量评估(郭呈瑞报道)

Assessment of long-term quality of life in patients with syndromic craniosynostosis

60. 自体脂肪移植也许能减轻带状疱疹后疼痛:一项基于患者自述疼痛级别的可行性研究(郭呈瑞报道)

Autologous fat grafting seems to alleviate postherpetic neuralgia – a feasibility study investigating patient-reported levels of pain

61. 负压吸引加速并稳定人工皮肤在创面愈合中的效果:一项回顾性非盲非随机比较性研究(郭呈瑞报道)

Negative pressure wound therapy as an accelerator and stabilizer for incorporation of artificial dermal skin substitutes – A retrospective, non-blinded, and non-randomized comparative study

62. 患者血液管理策略避免身体塑形术的术中输血:对照临床实验

Patient Blood Management Strategies to Avoid Transfusions in Body Contouring Operations: Controlled Clinical Trial

63. 鼻整形术的循证效果评估:一套多学科效果评估体系

Evidence-Based Performance Measures for Rhinoplasty: A Multidisciplinary Performance Measure Set

64. 人单核细胞的质量和数量在活体小鼠实验模型中改善人脂肪移植、血管化和存活率。

Quality and Quantity–Cultured Human Mononuclear Cells Improve Human Fat Graft Vascularization and Survival in an In Vivo Murine Experimental Model

65. 一种含有血管内皮生长因子释放肽两亲物的趋化功能支架促进BMP-2在大型啮齿动物颅骨缺损模型中的骨再生。

A Chemotactic Functional Scaffold with VEGF-Releasing Peptide Amphiphiles Facilitates Bone Regeneration by BMP-2 in a Large-Scale Rodent Cranial Defect Model

66. 高频聚焦超声在面颈部年轻化中的疗效。(陈燕报告)

Efficacy of high‐intensity focused ultrasound in facial and neck rejuvenation

67. 激光光生物调节治疗动物模型中膝关节骨性关节炎的软骨缺损:一项系统综述和荟萃分析。(陈燕报告)

Laser photobiomodulation for cartilage defect in animal models of knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
