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1. 性别与面部形状及大小(李婧宇报告)

Facial Shape, Size, and Gender

2. 755nm皮秒激光治疗面部萎缩性瘢痕:长期临床效果随访病例报告。(陈燕报告)

755 nm picosecond laser for facial atrophic scar—Case reports of long‐term clinical efficacy following up

3. 脂肪干细胞辅助脂肪移植效果也许适得其反(冀宇报告)

Adipose-derived stem cell enrichment is counter-productive for the majority of women seeking primary aesthetic breast augmentation by autologous fat transfer: A systematic review

4. 自体脂肪移植治疗纤维化和瘢痕的效果综述(冀宇报告)

Autologous fat transfer to treat fibrosis and scar-related conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis

5. 新型双波长激光治疗痤疮瘢痕(冯微汇报)

reatment of acne scarring with a novel dual‐wavelength laser

6. 美学性阴茎增大术:一项手术技术和结果的系统性回顾(冯啸报告)

Aesthetic Augmentation Phalloplasty: A Systematic Review of Techniques and Outcomes

7. 股深动脉穿支皮瓣的穿支设计:解剖和临床经验(顾勤浩报告)

Perforator Mapping of the Profunda Artery Perforator Flap: Anatomy and Clinical Experience

8. 腓肠内侧动脉穿支皮瓣:200例操作的经验(郭呈瑞汇报)

The Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap: Lessons Learned from 200 Consecutive Cases

9. 剥脱模式的Er:YAG激光用于面部年轻化:一项临床、超声和病理评价研究(金婷婷汇报)

Facial rejuvenation using Er:YAG laser equipped with a spatially modulated ablation module: A clinical, ultrasound, and histological evaluation

10. 前路vs后路提上睑肌腱膜前徙的效果比较

Surgical outcomes of the anterior versus posterior approach for advancement of the levator aponeurosis in Japanese patients

11. 联合内窥镜辅助提眉术的上睑成形术重建和谐上睑弧度(张策报告)

Upper Blepharoplasty with Endoscopically Assisted Brow Lift to Restore Harmonious Upper Lid Arc Curvatures

12. DIEP皮瓣进行乳房重建后的新肚脐重建(张磊报告)

Neoumbilicus after Selective Excision in Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction

13. 手部烧伤后第一指蹼重建的五个基本原则(赵烨汇报)

Five Essential Principles for First Web Space Reconstruction in the Burned Hand

14. 使用人工智能测量面瘫整形术后的面部表情重建效果(赵跃军报告)

Using Artificial Intelligence to Measure Facial Expression following Facial Reanimation Surgery

15. 女性会阴部非手术年轻化设备有效性和安全性的系统性回顾(潘蕾报告)

A Systematic Review of Nonsurgical Vulvovaginal Restoration Devices: An Evidence-Based Examination of Safety and Efficacy


16. 下肢微血管重建中静脉血栓栓塞风险与静脉淤血之间的相关性(李婧宇报告)

Correlation between Venous Thromboembolism Risk and Venous Congestion in Microvascular Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity

17. 定向肌肉神经支配用于缓解神经痛(李婧宇报告)

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation as a Solution for Nerve Pain

18. 新冠时代行即刻乳房再造的可行性和安全性(李婧宇报告)

The feasibility and safety of immediate breast reconstruction in the COVID-19 era

19. 局部治疗方案与射频微针治疗相结合,可改善皮肤伤口愈合及兼顾美容效果。(陈燕报告)

A topical regimen improves skin healing and aesthetic outcomes when combined with a radiofrequency microneedling procedure

20. 皮肤射频治疗的体内动态热成像(陈燕报告)

In vivo dynamic thermal imaging of skin radiofrequency treatment

21. 评估微针点阵射频治疗土耳其人面部萎缩性痤疮疤痕的疗效。(陈燕报告)

Evaluation of the efficacy of microneedle fractional radiofrequency in Turkish patients with atrophic facial acne scars

22. 皮秒激光成功治疗黄褐斑1例(陈燕报告)

A case of ochronosis successfully treated with the picosecond laser

23. 家庭用水和非城市用水对皮肤手术后感染的影响(冀宇报告)

Is Surgical Site Infection (SSI) after skin surgery affected by home municipal versus non-municipal water supply?

24. 关于梯形骨折诊断分类的综述(冀宇报告)

Trapezoidal fractures: Overview and introduction of a novel diagnostic classification system

25. 联合冷冻溶脂、注射溶脂和冲击波溶脂行无创身体轮廓塑形。(冯微汇报)

Effective noninvasive body contouring by using a combination of cryolipolysis, injection lipolysis, and shock waves

26. 一种新的半导体激光治疗下肢静脉的疗效评价。(冯微汇报)

Evaluation of a new diode laser for the treatment of lower extremity leg veins.

27. 点阵532 nm KTP半导体激光和595 nm脉冲染料激光治疗面部毛细血管扩张性潮红。(冯微汇报)

Fractional 532‐nm KTP diode laser and 595‐nm pulsed dye laser in treatment of facial telangiectatic erythema.

28. 二氧化碳疗法、富血小板血浆和双极射频治疗妊娠纹的有效性和耐受性的比较研究。(冯微汇报)

Comparative study between: Carboxytherapy, platelet‐rich plasma, and tripolar radiofrequency, their efficacy and tolerability in striae distensae

29. 吻合血管的游离腓骨瓣治疗股骨放射相关性骨不连的疗效(冯啸报告)

Outcomes of free vascularized fibular flaps for the treatment of radiation-associated femoral nonunions

30. 多指断指再植:回顾下分析临床效果(冯啸报告)

Replantation for multiple digit amputations: A retrospective analysis of the clinical results

31. 填充物注射后的肉芽肿和非肉芽肿结节:不同的并发症需要不同的治疗(冯啸报告)

Granulomas and nongranulomatous nodules after filler injection: Different complications require different treatments

32. 漏斗在乳晕周围切口胸前植入并完全覆盖脱细胞真皮基质的乳房重建中的作用(冯啸报告)

Funnel usefulness in direct-to-implant breast reconstruction using periareolar incision with prepectoral implant placement and complete coverage with acellular dermal matrix

33. 经腹直肠会阴切除术后的会阴重建:文献综述(顾勤浩报告)

Perineal reconstruction following abdominoperineal resection: Comprehensive review of the literature

34. 手术治疗在早期和进展期隆乳术后间变大细胞淋巴瘤患者预后中的重要作用(顾勤浩报告)

The Crucial Role of Surgical Treatment in BIA-ALCL Prognosis in Early- and Advanced-Stage Patients

35. 乳房缩小术的保险覆盖范围指南(顾勤浩报告)

Navigating the Insurance Landscape for Coverage of Reduction Mammaplasty

36. 腕关节炎保留运动功能手术的成本-效果分析(顾勤浩报告)

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Motion-Preserving Operations for Wrist Arthritis

37. 美容外科执业资质:训练背景和业务范围的提升(郭呈瑞汇报)

Board Certification in Cosmetic Surgery: An Evaluation of Training Backgrounds and Scope of Practice

38. 使用多西环素涂层硅胶乳房植入物可减少急性手术部位感染和炎症(郭呈瑞汇报)

Doxycycline-Coated Silicone Breast Implants Reduce Acute Surgical-Site Infection and Inflammation

39. 渐弱近红外光谱法对猪皮瓣深部组织氧合的无创监测(郭呈瑞汇报)

Noninvasive Monitoring of Deep Tissue Oxygenation in Buried Flaps by Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Pigs

40. 用腹部游离皮瓣进行自体乳房重建的偏侧性与患者效果报告:8年的 BREAST-Q量表数据分析 (华威天报告)

Laterality and Patient-Reported Outcomes following Autologous Breast Reconstruction with Free Abdominal Tissue: An 8-Year Examination of BREAST-Q Data

41. 在大鼠穿支皮瓣模型中,吲哚菁绿血管造影比热成像和近红外光谱法更能准确预测组织坏死(华威天报告)

Indocyanine Green Angiography Predicts Tissue Necrosis More Accurately Than Thermal Imaging and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in a Rat Perforator Flap Model

42. 组织工程真皮移植物和人工真皮移植物在指尖重建中的潜力(华威天报告)

Potential of Tissue-Engineered and Artificial Dermis Grafts for Fingertip Reconstruction

43. 乳房假体取出病人的手术处理:乳房轮廓和容积恢复方案的最新进展(黄兴凤报告)

Surgical Management of the Explant Patient: An Update on Options for Breast Contouring and Volume Restorationl

44. 至少五年随访的胶原酶治疗掌腱膜挛缩症:复发,再干预和满意度(黄兴凤报告)

Collagenase Treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease with Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up: Recurrence, Reintervention, and Satisfaction

45. 1927纳米光纤半导体激光:一种治疗面部多发性脂囊瘤的新选择(金婷婷汇报)

1927-nm fiber-optic diode laser: A novel therapeutic option for facial steatocystoma multiplex

46. 富血小板血浆和微针与米诺地尔的联合治疗可以改善雄激素脱发的毛发生长(金婷婷汇报)

Platelet-rich plasma and microneedling improves hair growth in patients of androgenetic alopecia when used as an adjuvant to minoxidil

47. 微针治疗女性埃勒斯-当洛综合征患者的外阴松弛:病例报道(金婷婷汇报)

Microneedling on the external female genitalia's flaccidity in patients with Ehlers‐Danlos: Case report

48. 非剥脱点阵激光联合外用米诺地尔治疗斑秃(金婷婷汇报)

Treatment of alopecia areata with nonablative fractional laser combined with topical minoxidil

49. 腹直肌分离的外科治疗:综合、询证的文献综述(来方远报告)

A Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Literature Review of the Surgical Treatment of Rectus Diastasis

50. 复杂的脊柱手术后肌瓣关闭创面:10年的经验(来方远报告)

Muscle Flap Closure following Complex Spine Surgery: A Decade of Experience

51. 3D打印手外科模拟器用于住院医师培训(来方远报告)

Three-Dimensionally–Printed Hand Surgical Simulator for Resident Training

52. 内窥镜辅助腭裂手术:基本原理,经验和技术实施(来方远报告)

Videoscope-Assisted Cleft Palate Surgery: Rationale, Experience, and Technical Implementation

53. 肉毒毒素微滴注射:对62例患者的皮肤美容效果的定量评价(吴溯帆报告)

Microbotulinum: A Quantitative Evaluation of Aesthetic Skin Improvement in 62 Patients

54. 指尖成功回植后的长期效果评价:10年随访(吴溯帆报告)

Long-Term Outcomes of Successful Fingertip Replantation: A Follow-Up of at Least 10 Years

55. DIEP皮瓣扩容:文献综述和“Calzone”皮瓣成形技术(张策报告)

Diep Flap Volume Augmentation: Literature Review and “Calzone” Flap Shaping Technique

56. 前颅底重建技术结果的系统回顾(张策报告)

A Systematic Review on Outcomes of Anterior Skull Base Reconstruction

57. 虚拟和增强现实技术在整形外科术前设计中的应用:系统回顾(张策报告)

Virtual and augmented reality for preoperative planning in plastic surgical procedures: A systematic review

58. 整形外科服务对COVID-19大流行的早期反应:系统回顾(张策报告)

The early response of plastic and reconstructive surgery services to the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

59. Pierre Robin综合征的新生儿接受下颌骨牵引手术后的睡眠质量分析(张磊报告)

Sleep Outcomes in Neonates with Pierre Robin Sequence Undergoing External Mandibular Distraction: A Longitudinal Analysis

60. Pierre Robin综合征患儿的长期正颌手术序列治疗(张磊报告)

Long-Term Orthognathic Considerations in the Pierre Robin Sequence Patient

61. 使用虚拟增强现实远程操控海外手术:建立长期和可持续的国际合作能力(张磊报告)

Using Virtual Augmented Reality to Remotely Proctor Overseas Surgical Outreach: Building Long-Term International Capacity and Sustainability

62. 复发性隆突性皮肤纤维肉瘤术后MRI随访的表现(赵烨汇报)

Appearance of recurrent dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in postoperative MRI follow-up

63. 目前英国对“巴西提臀术”(BBL)的看法: 英国整形外科协会调查(赵烨汇报)

Current perceptions of ‘Brazilian butt lift’ (BBL) surgery in the UK: A BAAPS-led survey of BAAPS members

64. 改良同指背外侧指骨近端岛状皮瓣修复指腹缺损(赵烨汇报)

Modified homodigital dorsolateral proximal phalangeal island flap for the reconstruction of finger-pulp defects

65. 继发性上肢淋巴水肿ICG淋巴显像与淋巴显像严重度分期的相关性(赵烨汇报)

Correlation of ICG lymphography and lymphoscintigraphy severity stage in secondary upper limb lymphedema

66. 较差的整体健康状况对乳房再造的满意度有负面影响(赵烨汇报)

Worse overall health status negatively impacts satisfaction with breast reconstruction

67. 乳房植入手术中包膜挛缩的Baker分级作为一种诊断工具是不可靠的(赵跃军报告)

The Baker Classification for Capsular Contracture in Breast Implant Surgery Is Unreliable as a Diagnostic Tool

68. 对侧预防性乳房切除术的并发症:它们会推迟辅助治疗吗?(赵跃军报告)

Complications of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy: Do They Delay Adjuvant Therapy?

69. 美国狗咬伤47年(1971-2018)治疗经验的文献回顾(潘蕾报告)

Dog Bites in the United States from 1971 to 2018: A Systematic Review of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
