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1. 不同年龄段招风耳复发的对比(李婧宇报告)

Comparison of Prominent Ear Recurrence in Different Age Groups

2. 三种供区皮肤移植治疗小耳畸形的临床效果:一项回顾性研究(李婧宇报告)

Clinical Results of Ear Elevations in Patients with Microtia Using Skin Grafts from Three Donor Sites: A Retrospective Study

3. 1.眼动脉及其吻合支的功能性解剖和其在面部美容性填充中造成并发症中的影响(张磊报告)

The Functional Anatomy of the Ophthalmic Angiosome and Its Implications in Blindness as a Complication of Cosmetic Facial Filler Procedures

4. 透明质酸酶减轻透明质酸填充造成皮肤坏死深度的作用(张磊报告)

The Effect of Hyaluronidase on Depth of Necrosis in Hyaluronic Acid Filling-Related Skin Complications

5. 反转鼻中隔自体移植治疗歪鼻(赵烨汇报)

Counter Autografting of Dorsal Septum in Crooked Nose

6. 歪鼻整形中被忽视的标记点:眉毛位置(赵烨汇报)

An Overlooked Landmark for the Crooked Nose: Eyebrow Position

7. 早产儿唇裂手术的安全性阈值(赵跃军报告)

Thresholds for Safety of Cleft Lip Surgery in Premature Infants

8. 游离前臂外侧皮瓣在头颈部重建中的应用:前臂桡侧皮瓣的一种优良替代选择(顾勤浩报告)

Free Lateral Forearm Flap in Head and Neck Reconstruction: An Attractive Alternative to the Radial Forearm Flap

9. 睑缘切口作为亚洲患者重睑术的新方法:528例临床经验(顾勤浩报告)

Supraciliary Incision as a New Double-Eyelid Approach for Asian Patients: Clinical Experience of 528 Cases

10. 微针和甘醇酸换肤治疗痤疮瘢痕:对照研究(金婷婷汇报)

Microneedling by dermapen and glycolic acid peel for the treatment of acne scars: Comparative study

11. 面部脂肪填充策略(冀宇报告)

Facial Fat Augmentation Finesse

12. 精细化脂肪腹壁整形术(冀宇报告)

Lipoabdominoplasty with Anatomical Definition

13. 四种体位、四个切口上臂环吸术(冀宇报告)

Four-Position Four-Entry Site Circumferential Arm Liposuction: Technique Overview and Experience

14. 高能量1064nm调Q Nd:YAG激光治疗亚洲病人咖啡斑的安全性与疗效。(陈燕报告)

High-fluence 1064-nm Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser: Safe and effective treatment of café-au-lait macules in Asian patients

15. 改良美容性颏成形术对II类骨性关系患者的气道有改善作用:舌骨位置和后气道空间变化的研究(张策报告)

A Modified Cosmetic Genioplasty Can Affect Airway Space Positively in Skeletal Class II Patients: Studying Alterations of Hyoid Bone Position and Posterior Airway Space

16. 避免骨性颏成形术中下牙槽神经损伤:三维虚拟成像安全区导引(张策报告)

Avoiding Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injury during Osseous Genioplasty: A Guide for the Safe Zone by Three-Dimensional Virtual Imaging

17. 四步法创建个性化双眼皮褶皱:自由样式设计(来方远报告)

A Four-Step Technique for Creating Individual Double-Eyelid Crease Shapes: A Free-Style Design

18. EZ-Tcon内固定法用于经结膜入路的脂肪移位的临床结果和疗效(黄兴凤报告)

Internal Fixation Method Using EZ-Tcon for Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning: Clinical Outcomes and Efficacy

19. 微马达下颌骨牵引器通过循环张力诱导新骨形成(郭呈瑞报告)

Effect of Cyclic Compressive Forces on New Bone Formation during the Distraction Period in Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis Using a Microactuator-Generated Distractor

20. 伴或不伴镇静的肿胀麻醉下的经乳晕下切口的穿筋膜悬挂的筋膜下隆乳术(郭呈瑞报告)

Subfascial Breast Augmentation with Crossed Fascial Sling, Under Tumescent Anaesthesia With or Without Sedation and Lower Periareolar Access

21. 颞中静脉解剖的论文综述:注射填充的静脉危险区域(吴溯帆报告)

A Systematic Literature Review of the Middle Temporal Vein Anatomy: ‘Venous Danger Zone’ in Temporal Fossa for Filler Injections

22. 同时隆乳的乳腺切除术:改良术式-使用筋膜腺体瓣改善下极支撑(吴溯帆报告)

Simultaneous Augmentation Mastopexy: An Innovative Anatomical Approach—The Fascioglandular Flap for Improved Lower Pole Support

23. 乳房中央蒂:一种安全有效的乳房缩小方法(冯啸报告)

The Central Mound Pedicle: A Safe and Effective Technique for Reduction Mammaplast

24. 外科治疗对乳房不对称的年轻女性的生活质量的影响:一项纵向队列研究(冯啸报告)

The Effect of Surgical Treatment on the Quality of Life of Young Women with Breast Asymmetry: A Longitudinal, Cohort Study

25. L形切口在小阴唇复合体缩小术中的应用(潘蕾报告)

L-Shaped Incision in Composite Reduction Labiaplasty

26. 强脉冲光以及激光治疗用于改善唇裂修复术后的瘢痕。(冯微汇报)

Intense pulsed light and laser treatment regimen improves scar evolution after cleft lip repair surgery


27. 血管化复合同种异体移植的未来指导策略:器官捐献活动的系统回顾(李婧宇报告)

Guiding Strategies for the Future of Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation: A Systematic Review of Organ Donation Campaigns

28. 新冠肺炎大流行与整形外科:文献综述、伦理分析和建议指南(李婧宇报告)

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Plastic Surgery: Literature Review, Ethical Analysis, and Proposed Guidelines

29. 欧洲人对乳房植入物相关的间变性大细胞淋巴瘤的态度和结果:一项多国调查(李婧宇报告)

European Attitudes and Outcomes Regarding Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: A Multinational Survey

30. 应用3D模拟软件和3D打印生物模型辅助自体乳房重建(李婧宇报告)

The Use of a 3D Simulator Software and 3D Printed Biomodels to Aid Autologous Breast Reconstruction

31. 公众对毛面乳房假体召回的关注度:谷歌数据分析(张磊报告)

Public Interest in Textured Breast Implants Recall: A Google Trends Analysis

32. 在隆胸术中的人体相关数据测量分析(张磊报告)

Anthropometric Aspects in the Breast Augmentation

33. 面部整形手术相关研究的证据等级分析(张磊报告)

Level of Evidence in Facial Plastic Surgery Research: A Procedure-Level Analysis

34. 单侧髁突增生性面部不对称:活动性与烧损性疾病治疗的比较(赵烨汇报)

Facial Asymmetry in Unilateral Condylar Hyperplasia: Comparing Treatment for Active versus Burnt-Out Disease

35. 疼痛图可以预测头痛扳机点去活性手术的效果(赵烨汇报)

Patient Pain Sketches Can Predict Surgical Outcomes in Trigger-Site Deactivation Surgery for Headaches

36. 虚拟手术计划的最新进展:定制重建板在游离腓骨瓣重建下颌中的应用(赵烨汇报)

The Latest Evolution in Virtual Surgical Planning: Customized Reconstruction Plates in Free Fibula Flap Mandibular Reconstruction

37. 腹疝无固定修补术的优点(赵烨汇报)

Advantages of a Fixation-Free Technique for Open Retromuscular Ventral Hernia Repair

38. 肉毒毒素在非手术面部年轻化中的应用技术(赵跃军报告)

Advanced Techniques for the Use of Neurotoxins in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

39. 自体脂肪移植治疗系统性硬化症口腔和手指并发症:一项前瞻性研究结果(赵跃军报告)

Autologous Fat Grafting for the Oral and Digital Complications of Systemic Sclerosis: Results of a Prospective Study

40. 光生物调节对鼻整形术后瘀斑的影响:一项随机、单盲对照试验(赵跃军报告)

Effect of Photobiomodulation on Ecchymosis after Rhinoplasty: A Randomized Single-Blind Controlled Trial

41. 抗坏血酸和抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯溶液治疗局部肥胖的新方法:临床和组织学研究(赵跃军报告)

A New Treatment for Local Adiposity with Ascorbic Acid and Ascorbyl-Palmitate Solution: Clinical and Histological Study

42. 成人招风耳整形术后心理康复的前瞻性评估(赵跃军报告)

Prospective Evaluation of Psychological Healing in Adults Who Underwent Otoplasty for Prominent Ear

43. 地塞米松减轻鼻整形术后水肿和瘀斑的疗效:一项系统回顾和荟萃分析(顾勤浩报告)

Efficacy of Dexamethasone for Reducing Edema and Ecchymosis After Rhinoplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

44. 鼻整形手术的外科辅助措施:一种程序式方法(顾勤浩报告)

Surgical Adjuncts to Rhinoplasty: An Algorithmic Approach

45. 驼峰鼻降低技术的新方法(顾勤浩报告)

New Approaches for the Let-Down Technique

46. 快速可吸收缝线与不可吸收缝线在鼻中隔成形术中关闭鼻小柱切口的短期疗效比较(顾勤浩报告)

Comparison of Rapid Absorbable Sutures with Nonabsorbable Sutures in Closing Transcolumellar Incision in Septorhinoplasty: Short-term Outcomes

47. 基于虚拟现实的填充剂注射培训系统的开发和可用性评估(华威天报告)

Development and Usability of a Virtual Reality-Based Filler Injection Training System

48. 自体软骨移植物的几何形状对组织愈合的不显著影响:一项动物研究(华威天报告)

Non-significant Effects of The Geometric Shape of Autologous Cartilage Grafts on Tissue Healing: An Animal Study

49. 单用曲安奈德对比曲安奈德联合5-氟尿嘧啶在治疗瘢痕疙瘩和增生性瘢痕中的疗效和安全性的评估:系统评价和荟萃分析(华威天报告)

Efficacy and Safety of Intralesional Triamcinolone Versus Combination of Triamcinolone with 5-Fluorouracil in the Treatment of Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

50. Antera3D相机:一种评价点阵CO2激光治疗手术瘢痕疗效的新方法(金婷婷汇报)

Antera 3D camera: A novel method for evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of fractional CO2 laser for surgical incision scars

51. 短脉宽Nd:YAG激光脱毛的疗效(金婷婷汇报)

Effectiveness of short-pulse width Nd:YAG in laser hair reduction

52. 低能量Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗亚洲黄褐斑患者(金婷婷汇报)

Low-fluence Q-switched Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of melasma in Asian patients

53. 比较1450nm半导体激光的新型双模式和普通单遍模式治疗韩国寻常痤疮患者:为期20周前瞻性、随机、半面对照研究(金婷婷汇报)

Comparison of novel dual mode vs conventional single pass of a 1450-nm diode laser in the treatment of acne vulgaris for Korean patients: A 20‐week prospective, randomized, split-face study

54. CTA在DIEP乳房重建中的作用(冀宇报告)

Efficiency in DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: The Real Benefit of Computed Tomographic Angiography Imaging

55. 假体隆乳术后阿片类镇痛药的使用(冀宇报告)

Predictors of Opioid Consumption in Immediate, Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

56. 基于组织工程技术的可吸收三维支架和脂肪移植行乳房重建(冀宇报告)

Breast Reconstruction Using a Three-Dimensional Absorbable Mesh Scaffold and Autologous Fat Grafting: A Composite Strategy Based on Tissue-Engineering Principles

57. 重组人表皮生长因子软膏对点阵剥脱皮肤重建术后伤口愈合和预防炎症后色素沉着的影响:一项半脸随机对照研究。(陈燕报告)

The effects of recombinant human epidermal growth factor containing ointment on wound healing and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation prevention after fractional ablative skin resurfacing: A split‐face randomized controlled study

58. 单极射频联合靶向压力能应用于青春期后女性脂肪团非侵入性治疗的临床评价(陈燕报告)

Clinical evaluation of simultaneously applied monopolar radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy as a new method for noninvasive treatment of cellulite in postpubertal women

59. 采用一种新型的组合方案高聚焦超声联合压力及剂量控制的经皮气压注射高渗葡萄糖溶液,提升和收紧面部老化。(陈燕报告)

A novel combination regimen with intense focused ultrasound and pressure‐ and dose-controlled transcutaneous pneumatic injection of hypertonic glucose solution for lifting and tightening of the aging face

60. 氮等离子体皮肤再生治疗轻度至中度眶周皱纹:一项前瞻性、随机、对照的盲估试验(陈燕报告)

Nitrogen plasma skin regeneration for the treatment of mild‐to‐moderate periorbital wrinkles: A prospective, randomized, controlled evaluator‐blinded trial

61. 女性阴道整形手术的安全性(张策报告)

Safety in Female Genital Plastic Surgery

62. 缺失的一环:整形外科行业(张策报告)

The Missing Link: The Business of Plastic Surgery

63. 门诊服务:改善日程安排可提高患者满意度和收入(张策报告)

Ambulatory Access: Improving Scheduling Increases Patient Satisfaction and Revenue

64. 识别和管理整形外科医生职业倦怠的实用策略(张策报告)

Practical Strategies for Identifying and Managing Burnout in Plastic Surgeons

65. 乳房假体综合征:病理生理学和管理算法(来方远报告)

Breast Prosthesis Syndrome: Pathophysiology and Management Algorithm

66. 对称性评估方法在乳房手术中的应用(来方远报告)

Use of Symmetry Assessment Methods in the Context of Breast Surgery

67. DIEP皮瓣乳房重建术后脂肪坏死:灌注相关原因的综述(来方远报告)

Fat Necrosis After DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: A Review of Perfusion-Related Causes

68. 使用简化的内窥镜入路行经腋窝保留乳头的乳房切除术和直接假体植入乳房重建术:适应症,美容效果和技术改进(来方远报告)

Transaxillary Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction Using a Simplified Endoscopic Approach: Indications, Cosmetic Outcomes and Technical Refinements

69. 胸壁男性化手术中的乳头劈开移植术与传统乳头移植术:我们能否改善患者的满意度和美学效果?(来方远报告)

The Nipple Split Sharing vs. Conventional Nipple Graft Technique in Chest Wall Masculinization Surgery: Can We Improve Patient Satisfaction and Aesthetic Outcomes?

70. 用等几何建模组织膨胀的分析:猪模型中皮肤生长和组织水平的变化(黄兴凤报告)

Modeling Tissue Expansion with Isogeometric Analysis: Skin Growth and Tissue Level Changes in the Porcine Model

71. 掌腱膜挛缩症的非遗传因素:一个系统的综述(黄兴凤报告)

Nongenetic Factors Associated with Dupuytren’s Disease: A Systematic Review

72. 乳晕周围真皮松解术矫正乳房下垂患者的乳头乳晕复合体敏感性的评价:一项随机对照试验(黄兴凤报告)

Evaluation of the Sensitivity of the Nipple–Areola Complex in Patients Undergoing Breast Ptosis Correction with Periareolar Dermis Release: A Randomized Controlled Trial

73. 真皮再生模板治疗复杂糖尿病足患者伤口愈合的结果和预测因素(黄兴凤报告)

Outcomes and Predictors of Wound Healing among Patients with Complex Diabetic Foot Wounds Treated with a Dermal Regeneration Template (Integra)

74. 用于耳垂缩小术的三角旋转瓣(郭呈瑞报告)

The Three-Triangle Rotation Flap Technique for Aesthetic Ear Lobule Reduction

75. 基于Reidy Adamson-s皮瓣技术的下睑眼整形术后的眼轮匝肌神经-肌肉完整性评估(郭呈瑞报告)

Evaluation of Residual Neuro-Muscular Integrity in the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle After Lower Eyelid Transcutaneous Blepharoplasty According to Reidy Adamson-s Flap

76. 腹壁成形术和患者安全:BMI指标和减重术的并发症类别(郭呈瑞报告)

Abdominoplasty and Patient Safety: The Impact of Body Mass Index and Bariatric Surgery on Complications Profile

77. 肉毒毒素注射是否可以提高面瘫患者的生活质量?(吴溯帆报告)

Does Botulinum Toxin Therapy Improve Quality of Life in Patients with Facial Palsy?

78. 屈曲位和俯卧位时臀上臀下血管的影像学对照:前瞻自身对照(吴溯帆报告)

Radiographic Comparison of Superior and Inferior Gluteal Vessels in Jackknife versus Prone Position: A Prospective, Self-Controlled Trial

79. 风险和收益:臀部脂肪移植的公众认知(吴溯帆报告)

Risk and Reward: Public Perception of Gluteal Fat Grafting Safety

80. 聚丙酰胺水凝胶注射隆胸后移位的分类和处理:初步报告(吴溯帆报告)

Classification and Management of Polyacrylamide Gel Migration After Injection Augmentation Mammaplasty: A Preliminary Report

81. 加压端侧骨间前-尺侧运动神经转移修复肘管综合征患者的功能(冯啸报告)

Supercharge End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous–to–Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer Restores Intrinsic Function in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

82. 2.手部多节段血管损伤:再植与翻修截肢的对比(冯啸报告)

Multilevel Dysvascular Injury of the Hand: Replantation versus Revision Amputation

83. 糖尿病患者扳机指松解术后并发症发生率增高(冯啸报告)

Increased Rate of Complications following Trigger Finger Release in Diabetic Patients

84. 手部外科的诉讼:30年回顾(冯啸报告)

Litigation in Hand Surgery: A 30-Year Review

85. 矢状缝早闭弹簧辅助手术的远期效果(潘蕾报告)

Long-Term Outcomes of Spring-Assisted Surgery for Sagittal Craniosynostosis

86. 鼻通气障碍与鼻整形术(潘蕾报告)

Nasal Obstruction and Rhinoplasty : A Focused Literature Review

87. 术后常用的食物补充剂(潘蕾报告)

Dietary Supplements and Current Available Evidence

88. 非剥脱性射频用于年轻化治疗后皮肤弹性的评估(冯微汇报)

The evaluation of elasticity after nonablative radiofrequency rejuvenation

89. 皮肤微针对于深色皮肤患者中合并色沉的痤疮瘢痕的治疗(冯微汇报)

Skin microneedling for acne scars associated with pigmentation in patients with dark skin.

90. 点阵微针射频治疗腋臭:一种微创治疗(冯微汇报)

Fractional microneedling radiofrequency treatment for axillary osmidrosis: A minimally invasive procedure.

91. 长波等离子射频剥脱去除眼睑睑黄瘤(冯微汇报)

Long-wave plasma radiofrequency ablation for treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum.
