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1. 小阴唇缩小术前后的患者症状学比较(李婧宇报告)

Comparison of Patient Symptomatology before and after Labiaplasty

2. Lymfactin®1期研究:腺病毒载体介导的VEGF-C联合淋巴结转移治疗上肢淋巴水肿的短期安全性(顾勤浩报告)

Phase 1 LymfactinⓇ Study: Short-term Safety of Combined Adenoviral VEGF-C and Lymph Node Transfer Treatment for Upper Extremity Lymphedema

3. 对于颈后三角操作中的枕小神经、耳大神经、副神经安全性以及并发症的解剖关系研究(郭呈瑞汇报)

In-Depth Look at the Anatomical Relationship of the Lesser Occipital Nerve, Great Auricular Nerve, and Spinal Accessory Nerve and Their Implication in Safety of Operations in the Posterior Triangle of the Neck

4. 单侧不完全唇裂中口轮匝肌的力平衡重建(华威天报告)

Force balance reconstruction of the orbicularis oris in unilateral incomplete cleft lip

5. 微针联合富血小板血浆或三氯醋酸剥脱治疗痤疮瘢痕:半脸临床和组织学对照(金婷婷汇报)

Microneedling combined with platelet‐rich plasma or trichloroacetic acid peeling for management of acne scarring: A split‐face clinical and histologic comparison

6. Gillies和McLaughlin动态肌肉支持在不可逆性面瘫中的长期结果:一项为期25年随访的回顾性单中心研究(来方远报告)

Long-term outcomes of Gillies and McLaughlin's dynamic muscle support in irreversible facial paralysis: A retrospective single-centre study with 25-year follow-up

7. 包括颞下颌关节的同种异体的全面部换脸:放射学和大体标本解剖学研究(张策报告)

Full Facial Allotransplantation Including the Temporomandibular Joints: A Radiologic and Anatomical Cadaveric Study

8. 普通腭裂和粘膜下隐匿性腭裂术后语言发音的比较研究(张磊报告)

A Comparative Study Evaluating Speech Outcomes in Classic versus Occult Submucous Cleft Palate Using a Primary Furlow Palatoplasty Technique

9. 腹腔镜辅助下最小化筋膜切口获取DIEP皮瓣的自体乳房重建(赵烨汇报)

Laparoscopically Assisted DIEP Flap Harvest Minimizes Fascial Incision in Autologous Breast Reconstruction

10. 确定鼻翼和软三角的组织支撑结构:了解医源性鼻翼退缩的原因(赵跃军报告)

Defining the Histologic Support Structures of the Nasal Ala and Soft Triangle: Toward Understanding the Cause of Iatrogenic Alar Retraction

11. 利用前额皮瓣行一期鼻再造(吴溯帆报告)

Single-stage nasal reconstruction with the islanded forehead flap

12. 点阵剥脱性及非剥脱性射频用于泰国患者皮肤修复及年轻化(陈燕报告)

Fractional ablative and nonablative radiofrequency for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation of Thai patients

13. 联合2940 nm Er:YAG激光、bFGF、LED红光治疗妊娠纹的疗效分析:一项开创性研究 (冯微汇报)

Combination of a 2940 nm Er:YAG laser with recombinant bovine basic fibroblast growth factor (rb-bFGF ) and light-emitting diode-red light (LED-RL ) for the treatment of striae alba: A pilot study

14. 保留皮肤的鼻前庭鳞癌切除术后早起鼻再造(冯啸报告)

Early nasal reconstruction after skin-preserving excision of squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule


15. 用三维摄影技术自动测量颅内体积(李婧宇报告)

Automated Measurement of Intracranial Volume Using Three-Dimensional Photography

16. 单侧冠状缝早闭术后青少年神经认知功能的比较(李婧宇报告)

Comparison of Neurocognitive Outcomes in Postoperative Adolescents with Unilateral Coronal Synostosis

17. 带血管蒂骨瓣颌面种植体成活率的系统回顾和Meta分析(李婧宇报告)

Dental Implant Survival in Vascularized Bone Flaps: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

18. 保肢的肿瘤切除术后用游离腓骨瓣恢复脊柱-骨盆连续性具有高愈合率和良好的功能恢复(李婧宇报告)

Restoration of Spinopelvic Continuity with the Free Fibula Flap after Limb-Sparing Oncologic Resection Is Associated with a High Union Rate and Superior Functional Outcomes

19. 打破整形外科性别界线:在支持女性从事整形外科学术方面,我们目前的立场是什么(顾勤浩报告)

Melting the Plastic Ceiling: Where We Currently Stand on Measures to Support Women in Academic Plastic Surgery

20. 低年资和高年资整形外科住院医师手术能力的比较(顾勤浩报告)

Comparing Operative Performance between Independent and Integrated Plastic Surgery Residents

21. 血管化同种异体复合移植的移植前处理和致敏:一项系统综述(顾勤浩报告)

Pre-transplant management and sensitisation in vascularised composite allotransplantation: A systematic review

22. 淋巴管的超高频超声成像与其组织学特征相关:淋巴手术又向前迈进了一步(顾勤浩报告)

Ultra-High frequency ultrasound imaging of lymphatic channels correlates with their histological features: A step forward in lymphatic surgery

23. 通过迷你腹腔切除术切口收集胃网膜淋巴结瓣的技术细节(郭呈瑞汇报)

Technical details for harvesting gastro-epiploic lymph node flaps via mini-laparotomy incision Summary

24. LACE+指数作为30天整形手术人数量的预测指标:初步的精确匹配研究(郭呈瑞汇报)

The LACE+ Index as a Predictor of 30-Day Patient Outcomes in a Plastic Surgery Population: A Coarsened Exact Match Study

25. 对于游离皮瓣在下肢重建术后早期压缩的安全性和有效性研究:系统回顾(郭呈瑞汇报)

Safety and effectiveness of early compression of free flaps following lower limb reconstruction: A systematic review

26. 糖尿病患者踝管综合征的自然病程(华威天报告)

The natural history of tarsal tunnel syndrome in diabetic subjects

27. 与延迟重建相比,在脊柱手术中立即进行切口重建可最大程度地减少并发症:一项回顾性队列研究(华威天报告)

Immediate plastic surgery closure at index spinal surgery minimizes complications compared to delayed reconstruction: A retrospective cohort review

28. 外科手术的热预处理:系统综述(华威天报告)

Thermal Preconditioning for Surgery: A Systematic Review

29. 比较一种新型755nm半导体激光和传统755nm翠绿宝石激光去除腋毛的疗效和安全性(金婷婷汇报)

Comparison of efficacy and safety of a novel 755-nm diode laser with conventional 755-nm alexandrite laser in reduction of axillary hairs.

30. 比较660nm和808nm光生物调节对大鼠挤压伤后下齿槽神经再生的作用(金婷婷汇报)

Comparative effects of photobiomodulation therapy at wavelengths of 660 and 808 nm on regeneration of inferior alveolar nerve in rats following crush injury.

31. 不同激光辅助逆行腔制备技术对生物陶瓷材料与根牙本质结合强度的影响(金婷婷汇报)

Influence of different laser-assisted retrograde cavity preparation techniques on bond strength of bioceramic-based material to root dentine.

32. 足下垂之前确定常见的腓侧神经病变(来方远报告)

Identifying Common Peroneal Neuropathy before Foot Drop

33. 乳房缩小:强调循证实践和结果的手术技术(来方远报告)

Breast Reduction: Surgical Techniques with an Emphasis on Evidence-Based Practice and Outcomes

34. 减慢COVID-19传播速度并最大程度地减少其影响:过去的经验教训和对整形外科医生的建议(来方远报告)

Slowing the Spread and Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19: Lessons from the Past and Recommendations for the Plastic Surgeon

35. 整形外科职业发展的无形障碍:职业发展中性别差异的倾向性配对分析(来方远报告)

The Glass Ceiling in Plastic Surgery: A Propensity-Matched Analysis of the Gender Gap in Career Advancement

36. 掌腱膜挛缩症患者的挛缩角度测量系统的开发(张策报告)

Development of a Patient-Based Goniometric System for the Assessment of Contracture Conditions in Dupuytren’s Disease

37. 闭合性掌骨颈骨折:手术和非手术治疗的资源利用综述(张策报告)

Closed Metacarpal Neck Fractures: A Review of Resource Use in Operative and Nonoperative Management-Analysis

38. 掌侧钢板位置与屈肌腱断裂的关系:我们是否应该质疑宋氏分类法的有效性?(张策报告)

The Relationship of Volar Plate Position and Flexor Tendon Rupture: Should We Question the Validity of the Soong Classification?

39. 单发性和综合征性双侧冠状缝的颅底形态有什么不同?(张策报告)

What Is the Difference in Cranial Base Morphology in Isolated and Syndromic Bicoronal Synostosis?

40. 术前CTA辅助评估腹部游离皮瓣行乳房重建术后疝形成的风险(张磊报告)

Assessment of the risk of bulge/hernia formation after abdomen-based microsurgical breast reconstruction with the aid of preoperative computed tomographic angiography-derived morphometric measurements

41. 内固定钉与克氏针固定治疗舟骨不连的疗效比较分析(张磊报告)

Comparative outcome analysis of internal screw fixation and Kirschner wire fixation in the treatment of scaphoid nonunion

42. 对阴茎阴囊型Paget病的手术重建的21例经验(张磊报告)

Experiences with Surgical Reconstruction of Penoscrotal Extramammary Paget's Disease: A review of 21 cases

43. 机器人辅助背阔肌瓣用于波兰综合征的自体胸部重建(张磊报告)

Robotic-assisted latissimus dorsi muscle flap for autologous chest reconstruction in poland syndrome

44. 包膜挛缩的手术治疗:一种新对策(赵烨汇报)

Surgical Treatment for Capsular Contracture: A New Paradigm and Algorithm

45. 鼻整形的改良:歪鼻、突鼻的解决方法(赵烨汇报)

Rhinoplasty Refinements: Addressing the Deviated, Overprojected Nose

46. 利用悬浮标记在脂肪精密离心时鉴别高质量脂肪(赵烨汇报)

Identification of High-Quality Fat Based on Precision Centrifugation in Lipoaspirates Using Marker Floats

47. 脱细胞胎儿基质在大量肌肉损失的大鼠模型中抑制纤维化基因表达并促进肌细胞生成(赵烨汇报)

Decellularized Fetal Matrix Suppresses Fibrotic Gene Expression and Promotes Myogenesis in a Rat Model of Volumetric Muscle Loss

48. 微针长度和预处理时间对大鼠随意型皮瓣的影响(赵跃军报告)

Effects of microneedle length and duration of preconditioning on random pattern skin flaps in rats

49. 术前、术中吲哚青绿(ICG)淋巴造影对股内侧淋巴收集血管及保留股深动脉穿支淋巴管(LpPAP)皮瓣临床应用的解剖学研究(赵跃军报告)

An anatomical study of the lymph-collecting vessels of the medial thigh and clinical applications of lymphatic vessels preserving profunda femoris artery perforator (LpPAP) flap using pre- and intraoperative indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography

50. 抗凝剂和抗血小板对手部和腕部手术的影响:一项系统综述和荟萃分析(赵跃军报告)

Hand and wrist surgery on anticoagulants and antiplatelets: A systematic review and meta-analysis

51. 用压舌板测量先天性面部短小综合征的面部不对称(吴溯帆报告)

Serial measurements of facial asymmetry using a wooden tongue depressor in patients with congenital microtia

52. 眼轮匝肌瓣旋转修复上睑凹陷(吴溯帆报告)

Orbicularis Oculi Muscle Flap Rotation for Correction of Sunken Eyelid in Cosmetic Blepharoplasty

53. 细菌感染可导致硅胶植入体周围形成包膜挛缩:一项毛面和聚氨酯面的体内对比试验(吴溯帆报告)

Capsular contracture around silicone miniimplants following bacterial contamination: an in vivo comparative experimental study between textured and polyurethane implants

54. 额骨和眶周骨的性别整形技术(吴溯帆报告)

Technical Pearls in Frontal and Periorbital Bone Contouring in Gender-Affirmation Surgery

55. 纳米点阵射频通过皮肤重建改善皮肤纹理:一个前瞻性实验研究。(陈燕报告)

Prospective,pilot evaluation of the performance of nanofractional radiofrequency for improvement of skin texture via skin resurfacing

56. 微聚焦超声与稀释的羟磷灰石钙结合可改善肩颈部皮肤松弛及皱纹外观(陈燕报告)

Microfocused ultrasound in combination with diluted calcium hydroxylapatite for improving skin laxity and the appearance of lines in the neck and décolletage

57. 口内光生物调节可减轻疼痛及改善女性颞下颌关节紊乱:一项随机、对照、双盲临床试验:口内光生物调节可减轻女性颞下颌关节紊乱疼痛。(陈燕报告)

Intraoral photobiomodulation diminishes pain and improves functioning in women with temporomandibular disorder: a randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind clinical trial : Intraoral photobiomodulation diminishes pain in women with temporomandibular disorder.

58. 长脉冲1064nmNd:YAG激光治疗甲真菌病及其对真菌病原超微结构影响的临床回顾性分析。(陈燕报告)

Clinical retrospective analysis of long-pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of onychomycosis and its effect on the ultrastructure of fungus pathogen.

59. 无创聚焦超声设备在大腿与腰围溶脂疗效的临床对照研究(冯微汇报)

Clinical study to evaluate the performance of a noninvasive focused ultrasound device for thigh fat and circumference reduction compared to control.

60. 高强度聚焦超声导致的神经损伤:病例报告(冯微汇报)

Nerve injury associated with high‐intensity focused ultrasound: A case report

61. 超脉冲CO2激光治疗眼睑良性肿瘤(冯微汇报)

Super pulse CO2 laser therapy for benign eyelid tumors

62. PDL单独应用对比PDL联合点阵CO2激光治疗未成熟红色增生性瘢痕的疗效分析(冯微汇报)

63. Comparison of the effectiveness of pulsed dye laser vs pulsed dye laser combined with ultrapulse fractional CO 2 laser in the treatment of immature red hypertrophic scars.

64. 乳房显微重建后静脉栓塞:一项12778例患者的纵向分析(冯啸报告)

Venous Thromboembolism following Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction: A Longitudinal Analysis of 12,778 Patients

65. 假体乳房重建的长期效果稳定性:12年3489例经过放疗或未放疗的效果的评估(冯啸报告)

Stability of Long-Term Outcomes in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction: An Evaluation of 12-Year Surgeon- and Patient-Reported Outcomes in 3489 Nonirradiated and Irradiated Implants

66. 早期停止乳房游离皮瓣的监测:一个由国家数据驱动的策略(冯啸报告)

Early Discontinuation of Breast Free Flap Monitoring: A Strategy Driven by National Data

67. 用BREAST-Q量表对比SGAP皮瓣和DIEP皮瓣(冯啸报告)

Comparing the Lumbar and SGAP Flaps to the DIEP Flap Using the BREAST-Q

68. 先有鸡还是先有蛋:游离皮瓣静脉淤血与血肿的关系(黄兴凤报告)

The chicken or the egg? Relationship between venous congestion and hematoma in free flaps

69. 将人脂肪间充质干细胞导入Avance神经移植物和NeuraGen神经引导物(黄兴凤报告)

Introducing human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to Avance nerve grafts and NeuraGen nerve guides

70. 基于4个国家731名手术、创伤和烧伤瘢痕的儿童和成人的SCAR-Q报告的心理学研究(黄兴凤报告)

Psychometric Findings for the SCAR-Q Patient-Reported Outcome Measure Based on 731 Children and Adults with Surgical, Traumatic, and Burn Scars from Four Countries
