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1. 亚洲人口周年轻化口角提升的一种联合疗法(李婧宇报告)

A combined method of oral commissure lifting for perioral rejuvenation in Asians

2. 鼻子的键石区、卷轴区和穹窿间区:组织学和解剖学观察(赵烨汇报)

The Keystone, Scroll Complex, and Interdomal Area of the Nose: Histologic and Anatomical Observations

3. 点阵微针射频联合或者不联合皮下剥离治疗面部痤疮疤痕的有效性研究:一项随机对照临床研究。(冯微汇报)

Efficacy of fractionated microneedle radiofrequency with and without adding subcision for the treatment of atrophic facial acne scars: A randomized split-face clinical study

4. 保乳术:安全有效的一期乳头乳晕重建(华威天报告)

The spare-parts technique: A safe and efficient single-stage nipple and areola reconstruction

5. 迷你颞肌翻转皮瓣在面中部重建中的应用:摄影测量和患者评定的术后效果(来方远报告)

The mini-temporalis turnover flap for midface reanimation: Photogrammetric and patient-rated outcomes

6. 纳米点阵射频治疗膨胀纹的有效性和安全性(金婷婷汇报)

An efficacy and safety of nanofractional radiofrequency for the treatment of striae alba

7. 非剥脱性点阵激光治疗眼周区域皮肤:临床与表观分析。(陈燕报告)

Nonablative fractional laser treatment for the skin in the eye area – clinical and cutometric analysis

8. 乳房是如何附着在胸壁上的:解剖研究。(冀宇报告)

The Attachments of the Breast to the Chest Wall: A Dissection Study。

9. 用于耳廓再造的耳廓前旋转皮瓣(郭呈瑞汇报)

Preauricular pull through flap for reconstruction of the auricle

10. 早期面神经损伤区域的Amer分类和不同区域的处理策略(张策报告)

Amer's classification of territories of facial nerve injury in early cases and strategies for the management of different territories

11. 足背部的解剖和其相关的微创美容操作(张磊报告)

Anatomy of the Dorsum of the Foot and Its Relevance for Nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures

12. 外科医师提供的检查和反馈结合同行手术指导以降低腭裂修复术后瘘管发生率的可行性:一项先导性试验(冯啸报告)

Feasibility of Surgeon-Delivered Audit and Feedback Incorporating Peer Surgical Coaching to Reduce Fistula Incidence following Cleft Palate Repair: A Pilot Trial

13. 肉毒毒素在整形外科中的非美容应用(赵跃军报告)

Nonaesthetic Applications for Botulinum Toxin in Plastic Surgery

14. 602例小耳畸形再造手术的回顾:针对不同亚型的修整和特定建议(顾勤浩报告)

Review of 602 Microtia Reconstructions: Revisions and Specific Recommendations for Each Subtype

15. 虚拟现实和增强现实在整形外科中的应用(吴溯帆 报告)

Virtual and augmented reality for preoperative planning in plastic surgical procedures: A systematic review


16. 2000-2019年重建整形手术的医疗保险报销趋势(李婧宇报告)

Trends in Medicare Reimbursement for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Procedures: 2000 to 2019

17. 腕部部分去神经支配对慢性腕部疼痛有益吗?一项系统回顾(李婧宇报告)

Is partial wrist denervation beneficial in chronic wrist pain? A systematic review

18. 聚己内酯(PCL)网片复合软骨移植在亚洲鼻整形中的应用(李婧宇报告)

A compound osteocartilaginous graft with polycaprolactone (PCL) mesh in Asian rhinoplasty

19. 新生儿耳支具治疗先天性耳畸形(李婧宇报告)

Neonatal ear splinting for congenital ear deformities

20. 大鼠骨骼肌再生模型中的异基因脱细胞肌肉支架比脱细胞真皮基质更少发生纤维化和炎症(赵烨汇报)

Allogeneic Decellularized Muscle Scaffold Is Less Fibrogenic and Inflammatory than Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Rat Model of Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

21. 宿主防御肽及其在整形外科医生中应用的综述(赵烨汇报)

Overview of Host Defense Peptides and Their Applications for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

22. de Quervain狭窄性腱鞘炎的保守治疗:治疗方法的介绍和回顾(赵烨汇报)

Conservative Management of de Quervain Stenosing Tenosynovitis: Review and Presentation of Treatment Algorithm

23. 时刻关注脉搏: 手外科中肾上腺素局部麻醉导致的心律失常(赵烨汇报)

Keeping the Finger on the Pulse: Cardiac Arrhythmias in Hand Surgery Using Local Anesthesia with Adrenaline

24. 美容手术文献中种族多样性的直观表现(赵烨汇报)

Visual representation of racial diversity in aesthetic surgery literature

25. 当前整形外科医生使用社交媒体的趋势(赵烨汇报)

Current Trends in the Use of Social Media by Plastic Surgeons

26. 吲哚菁绿在整形外科中的应用(赵烨汇报)

The use of indocyanine green in plastic surgery.

27. 低能量激光治疗急性期纤维肌痛症患者对周围肌力和抵抗力的影响(冯微汇报)

Acute low-level laser therapy effects on peripheral muscle strength and resistance in patients with fibromyalgia

28. 远红外光的光生物调节作用对M1和M2巨噬细胞炎症和抗炎介质的差异表达。(冯微汇报)

Differential expression of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators by M1 and M2 macrophages after photobiomodulation with red or infrared lasers rial.

29. 利用黑色素瘤细胞对808nm激光的敏感性进行兆伏放射治疗(冯微汇报)

Utilizing 808 nm laser for sensitizing of melanoma tumors to megavoltage radiation therapy.

30. 单次低能量激光照射对哺乳妇女乳头疼痛的效果:一项随机对照试验(冯微汇报)

The effect of a single irradiation of low-level laser on nipple pain in breastfeeding women: a randomized controlled trial.

31. 胸腔内肌瓣转位治疗慢性肺曲霉病(华威天报告)

Intrathoracic Muscle Flap Transposition for the Management of Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis

32. 小鱼际锤子综合征血运重建后功能和耐寒性的前瞻性评估(华威天报告)

Prospective assessment of function and cold-intolerance following revascularization for hypothenar hammer syndrome

33. 四种常见的乳腺癌术式术后长期健康生活质量评估及并发症影响:一项1871名患者的回顾性研究(华威天报告)

Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life after Four Common Surgical Treatment Options for Breast Cancer and the Effect of Complications: A Retrospective Patient-Reported Survey among 1871 Patients

34. 头颈部静脉吻合术中受体静脉的选择、流出道数量、方式和技术分析及算法建议(来方远报告)

Analysis of Selection of Recipient Vein, Number of Outflows, Style and Technique in Head and Neck Venous Anastomosis and a Proposed Algorithm

35. 使用腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣进行组织填充:文献综述及“Calzone”皮瓣成形术(来方远报告)

Diep Flap Volume Augmentation: Literature Review and “Calzone” Flap Shaping Technique

36. 招风耳对患者心理,社会和教育的影响:系统性综述(来方远报告)

The psychological, social and educational impact of prominent ears: A systematic review

37. 靴形神经血管岛状皮瓣行Wassel IV-D型复拇畸形的重建:连续91例拇指患者系列(来方远报告)

Reconstruction of Wassel IV-D radial polydactyly with a boot-shaped neurovascular island flap: A Consecutive series of 91 thumbs

38. 单次CO2激光治疗皮肤幼虫移行症:一项10例菲律宾病例研究(金婷婷汇报)

Treatment of cutaneous larva migrans with a single session of carbon dioxide laser: a study of ten cases in the Philippines

39. 家用射频和光能设备治疗眼周皱纹的安全性、有效性和依从性(金婷婷汇报)

Safety, efficacy, and usage compliance of home‐use device utilizing RF and light energies for treating periorbital wrinkles

40. 多重光源和激光设备激活氨基乙酰丙酸治疗玫瑰痤疮(金婷婷汇报)

Multiple sequential light and laser sources to activate aminolevulinic acid for rosacea

41. 局部单用b-间苯二酚和甘草次酸或联合点阵CO2激光治疗手部良性色素性疾病的疗效(金婷婷汇报)

Effects of topical application of B-Resorcinol and Glycyrrhetinic acid monotherapy and in combination with fractional CO2 laser treatment for benign hand hyperpigmentation treatment

42. 低能量的调Q1064nm Nd:YAG激光治疗黄褐斑的长期效果:是否有效?(陈燕报告)

Long-term results in low‐fluence 1064-nm Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser for melasma: Is it effective?

43. 比较对患有多毛症的妇女在激光脱毛前进行剃毛和剪毛的随机临床试验(陈燕报告)

A randomized clinical trial on the comparison between hair shaving and snipping prior to laser hair removal sessions in women suffering from hirsutism.

44. 对LED光疗法在口腔正畸过程中疼痛控制效果的临床研究的点评(陈燕报告)

Comment on "Clinical study on the efficacy of LED phototherapy for pain control in an orthodontic procedure".

45. 红光和近红外LED光疗对大鼠全层皮肤移植的影响(陈燕报告)

Effects of red and near-infrared LED light therapy on full-thickness skin graft in rats.

46. 乳房重建术中使用吲哚箐绿评估DIEP皮瓣以减少脂肪液化、提高术后存活率(冀宇报告)

Intraoperative Assessment of DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Using Indocyanine Green Angiography: Reduction of Fat Necrosis, Resection Volumes, and Postoperative Surveillance

47. 关于乳房假体相关间变性大细胞瘤的共识(冀宇报告)

Public Perceptions on Breast Implant–Associate Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Technical Refinements in Gender- Affirming Top Surgery

48. 预构血管游离皮瓣重建乳房的特点和效果(冀宇报告)

Characteristics and out comes of primary inter position vascular grafts in free flap breast reconstruction

49. 联合吸脂、假体和脂肪移植的三维隆臀术(冀宇报告)

Tridimensional Combined Gluteo plasty: Liposuction, Buttock Implants, and Fat Transfer

50. 放疗后一期乳房再造中无细胞皮肤基质补片的并发症率:一项单中心的回顾对照研究(郭呈瑞汇报)

Complication rates of acellular dermal matrix in immediate breast reconstruction with radiation: A single-institution retrospective comparison study

51. 多次手术对青少年唇腭裂患者心理社会功能的远期影响(张策报告)

Long-Term Effect of Multiple Operations on Psychosocial Function in Teenage Cleft Lip and Palate Patients

52. 烧伤幸存者在康复期接受重建手术的患者报告结果评估(张策报告)

Evaluation of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Burn Survivors Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery in the Rehabilitative Period

53. 下肢Gustilo IIIB/IIIC型损伤的外科治疗趋势(张策报告)

Trends in the Surgical Management of Lower Extremity Gustilo Type IIIB/IIIC Injuries

54. 整形外科综合竞赛:考试合格者的科研生产力趋势(张策报告)

Integrated Plastic Surgery Match: Trends in Research Productivity of Successful Candidates

55. 下肢重建术后早期压迫游离皮瓣的安全性和有效性:一个系统性的回顾(张磊报告)

Safety and effectiveness of early compression of free flaps following lower limb reconstruction: A systematic review

56. 游离股薄肌双神经支配在面瘫中的应用:我们目前所知(张磊报告)

Dual innervation of free gracilis muscle for facial reanimation: What we know so far

57. 利用激光辅助吲哚菁绿血管造影术后7天定位前额旁部皮瓣蒂部(张磊报告)

Paramedian forehead flap pedicle division after 7 days using laser-assisted indocyanine green angiography

58. 游离肌瓣覆盖作为上肢神经性疼痛的最后治疗手段:一项长期的回顾性随访研究(张磊报告)

Free muscle flap coverage as last resort for therapy-resistant neuropathic pain in the upper extremity: A long-term retrospective follow-up study

59. 内窥镜腋下包膜囊切除并立即乳房假体再植入:一次完成门诊手术(张磊报告)

Endoscopic transaxillary capsulectomy with immediate reimplantation performed as a single-operator outpatient procedure

60. 非手术鼻整形:一个关于技术、效果和并发症的系统回顾(冯啸报告)

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty: A Systematic Review of Technique, Outcomes, and Complications

61. 术前鼻拭子培养:对防止鼻中隔整形术的术后感染是否有益?(冯啸报告)

Preoperative Nasal Swab Culture: Is It Beneficial in Preventing Postoperative Infection in Complicated Septorhinoplasty?

62. 同种异体累软骨的曲翘特性(冯啸报告)

Warping Characteristics of Rib Allograft Cartilage

63. 二肽基肽酶-4抑制剂降低糖尿病患者胸骨正中切开术后发生增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩的风险:利用日本国家健康保险索赔数据库进行的全国性回顾性队列研究(冯啸报告)

Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitor Reduces the Risk of Developing Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids following Median Sternotomy in Diabetic Patients: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study Using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims of Japan

64. 用胸壁穿支皮瓣进行体积替换隆乳保乳术的效果:与体积切除肿瘤整形术和全乳房重建术的比较(冯啸报告)

Outcomes of Volume Replacement Oncoplastic Breast-Conserving Surgery Using Chest Wall Perforator Flaps: Comparison with Volume Displacement Oncoplastic Surgery and Total Breast Reconstruction

65. 背阔肌皮瓣切取对二期乳房再造肩部功能的影响:一项考虑肩峰肱骨间隔(AHI)、WOSI和乳房-Q问卷的长期分析(赵跃军报告)

Effects of latissimus dorsi (LD) flap harvest on shoulder function in delayed breast reconstruction. A long-term analysis considering the acromiohumeral interval (AHI), the WOSI, and BREAST-Q questionnaires

66. 二期手术前对腹股沟带蒂皮瓣进行一次负压封闭引流(赵跃军报告)

Single vac dressing for pedicled groin flaps prior to second stage division

67. 胫前血管翻转作为膝关节周围复杂游离组织移植的受体血管(赵跃军报告)

Anterior tibial vessel turnover as recipient vessel for complex free tissue transfer around the knee

68. 二次脱细胞真皮基质在植入性乳房重建中的应用(赵跃军报告)

Secondary acellular dermal matrix application to integrated primary acellular dermal matrix in implant-based breast reconstruction

69. 一种乳房切除后异质成形乳房再造术皮瓣缺血的分类系统和治疗算法(顾勤浩报告)

A classification system and treatment algorithm for mastectomy flap ischemia in alloplastic breast reconstruction

70. 变性手术中的乳房整形术改良(吴溯帆 报告)

Technical Refinements in Gender-Affirming Top Surgery

71. 眼部美容手术精进(吴溯帆 报告)

Getting Good Results in Cosmetic Blepharoplasty

72. 手内肌再神经化:骨间前侧-尺神经运动神经的端侧吻合(吴溯帆 报告)

Evaluation of Intrinsic Hand Musculature Reinnervation following Supercharge End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous–to–Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer
