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1. KS-Pexy:一种处理下睑水平松弛的新方法(李婧宇报告)

The KS-Pexy: A Novel Method to Manage Horizontal Lower Eyelid Laxity

2. 使用抗菌素浸润聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯和软组织扩张技术一期补救乳房重建假体感染的追踪调查。(冀宇报告)

Follow-Up Study: One-Step Salvage of Infected Prosthetic Breast Reconstructions Using Antibiotic-Impregnated Polymethylmethacrylate Plates and Concurrent Tissue Expander Exchange

3. 保留肌肉的降支背阔肌皮瓣用于下肢修复重建。(赵烨医生汇报)

The Muscle-Sparing Descending Branch Latissimus Dorsi Free Flap for Lower Extremity Reconstruction

4. 微针治疗瘢痕:一项长期随访的大型前瞻性研究(来方远报告)

Microneedling of Scars: A Large Prospective Study with Long-Term Follow-Up

5. 自体骨髓间充质干细胞片促进下颌联合面骨生长:一项动物研究(张策汇报)

Enhance Mandibular Symphyseal Surface Bone Growth with Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Sheets: An Animal Study

6. 术前多层螺旋CT三维重建舌下含服硝酸甘油后血管成像在股前外侧皮瓣设计中的应用(赵跃军报告)

Utility of Preoperative Multidetector-Row Computed Tomographic Angiography after Sublingual Nitroglycerin with Three-Dimensional Reconstruction in Planning of the Anterolateral Thigh Flap

7. ROOF脂肪室的解剖学研究和临床观察(张磊报告)

Anatomical Study and Clinical Observation of Retro-orbicularis Oculi Fat (ROOF)

8. 和鼻唇沟相关的面部肌肉3D解剖:碘染色结合CT成像(吴溯帆报告)

New Insights into the Three-Dimensional Anatomy of the Facial Mimetic Muscles Related to the Nasolabial Fold: An Iodine Staining Technique Based on Nano-computed Tomography

9. 挑战传统思维:早期游离组织移植治疗儿童活动性半面萎缩(郑玉婷报告)

Challenging Traditional Thinking: Early Free Tissue Transfer for Active Hemifacial Atrophy in Children

10. 快速声脉冲装置可加速激光纹身去除:一项前瞻性临床试验(陈燕报告)

Increased Tattoo Fading in a Single Laser Tattoo Removal Session Enabled by a Rapid Acoustic Pulse Device: A Prospective Clinical Trial

11. 单次点阵剥脱激光治疗前臂日光性角化病:患者治疗侧与未治疗侧比较的6个月随访数据(金婷婷汇报)

Single Ablative Fractional Resurfacing Laser Treatment for Forearm Actinic Keratoses: 6‐Month Follow-Up Data from an Intrapatient Comparison Between Treated and Untreated Sites.


12. 常见瘢痕疙瘩和增生性疤痕治疗的疗效和安全性比较:系统综述和荟萃分析(李婧宇报告)

Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Common Therapies in Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

13. 计算机模拟患者个性化3D打印指导的鼻整形术的临床应用(李婧宇报告)

Clinical Application of a Patient-Specific, Three-Dimensional Printing Guide Based on Computer Simulation for Rhinoplasty

14. 鼻整形术中鼻子的定位:固定概念(李婧宇报告)

The Alignment of the Nose in Rhinoplasty: Fix Down Concept

15. 术前患者教育对隆乳患者阿片类药物消费及健康的影响(李婧宇报告)

Effect of Preoperative Patient Education on Opioid Consumption and Well-Being in Breast Augmentation

16. 亚洲传统医学中单纯埋线(PDO)鼻整形术后皮肤感染的临床特点:病例系列研究(李婧宇报告)

Clinical Features of Skin Infection After Rhinoplasty with Only Absorbable Thread (Polydioxanone) in Oriental Traditional Medicine: A Case Series Study

17. 低收入和中等收入国家手外科手术的经济效益:成本效益分析(李婧宇报告)

Economic Benefit of Hand Surgical Efforts in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

18. 机械粉碎脂肪组织治疗颈横纹。(冀宇报告)

Mechanical Micronization of Lipoaspirates for the Treatment of Horizontal Neck Lines

19. 脂肪来源干细胞在放射后软骨中的软骨形成能力(冀宇报告)

Chondrogenesis of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on Irradiated Cartilage

20. 细胞辅助脂肪移植中脂肪和血管基质片段比率研究。(冀宇报告)

A Study on the Effective Ratio of Fat to Stromal Vascular Fraction for Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer

21. 脱细胞真皮基质覆盖乳房假体和荧光显影在乳房重建中的广泛应用(冀宇报告)

The Broad Application of Prepectoral Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction with Acellular Dermal Matrix Drape and Fluorescent Imaging in a Community Setting

22. 利用锁骨中点至乳房下皱襞的测量值来评估下皱襞入路缩乳术后缺血情况(冀宇报告)

Predicting Ischemic Complications in the Inframammary Approach to Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: The Midclavicular-to–Inframammary Fold Measurement

23. 乳腺切除加放疗病例中临时扩张器或永久性假体的长期疗效和失败率。(冀宇报告)

Long-Term Results and Reconstruction Failure in Patients Receiving Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy with a Temporary Expander or Permanent Implant in Place

24. 乳房假体植入相关间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(BIA-ALCL)与毛面假体风险(赵烨汇报)

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and the Textured Breast Implant Crisis

25. 乳房假体弧度:隆乳时确定乳房下皱襞位置的一种方法(赵烨汇报)

The Breast Implant ARC: An Algorithm for Determining the Position of the IMF in Breast Augmentation Planning

26. 经腋下腔镜入路治疗隆乳术后包膜挛缩:手术技巧与临床效果(赵烨汇报)

Transaxillary Endoscopic Approach to Capsular Contracture Following Previous Breast Augmentation: Operative Technique and Clinical Outcome

27. 性别确认胸部手术的结果测量:一个系统性回顾(赵烨汇报)

Outcome Measures in Gender-Confirming Chest Surgery: A Systematic Scoping Review

28. 莫氏法肿瘤切除后的唇部重建:615例连续病例的经验教训(赵烨汇报)

Lip Reconstruction after Mohs Cancer Excision: Lessons Learned from 615 Consecutive Cases

29. 长期靶向A型肉毒毒素与外周触发部位减活手术在治疗顽固性偏头痛中的成本与效益(赵烨汇报)

Cost-Effectiveness of Long-Term, Targeted OnabotulinumtoxinA versus Peripheral Trigger Site Deactivation Surgery for the Treatment of Refractory Migraine Headaches

30. 超声引导下行双侧浅层前锯肌平面阻滞用于治疗乳房缩小术后疼痛的超前镇痛疗效评估:一项前瞻性随机对照研究(来方远报告)

Preemptive Analgesic Efficacy of the Ultrasound-Guided Bilateral Superficial Serratus Plane Block on Postoperative Pain in Breast Reduction Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study

31. 应用高和特别高弧度的圆形假体行隆胸术后对乳房组织厚度和假体凸度进行MRI定量评估(来方远报告)

Quantitative Appraisal Through MRI of Breast Tissue Thickness and Implant Projection After Breast Augmentation with High- and Extra-High-Profile Round Implants

32. 3D表面成像技术辅助单侧组织扩张器/假体二期乳房重建(来方远报告)

Unilateral Tissue Expander/Implant Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction with the Assistance of Three-Dimensional Surface Imaging

33. 减肥后人群腹部塑形手术保险覆盖情况的回顾(来方远报告)

Review of Insurance Coverage for Abdominal Contouring Procedures in the Postbariatric Population

34. 运用MRA评估下肢淋巴水肿患者体液及脂肪堆积的区域分布(来方远报告)

Regional Patterns of Fluid and Fat Accumulation in Patients with Lower Extremity Lymphedema Using Magnetic Resonance Angiography

35. 假体乳房重建术的最新进展(来方远报告)

Recent Advances in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

36. 关于人类头骨发育不对称的头影测量分析的新发现(张策汇报)

Anthropometric Analysis of the Human Skull for Developmental Left-Sided Asymmetry, New Finding

37. 整形外科住院医师培训项目主任报告的性别确认手术培训现状(张策汇报)

The Current State of Gender-Affirming Surgery Training in Plastic Surgery Residency Programs as Reported by Residency Program Directors

38. 聚氨酯假体隆胸术中产生的错误类型:系统综述(张策汇报)

Types of Errors Made During Breast Augmentation with Polyurethane Implants: A Systematic Review

39. 支撑系统在亚洲人颧弓缩小术中的应用(张策汇报)

Application of the Bracing System in Reduction Malarplasty in Asian Population

40. 缩小鼻成形术后鼻塞类型分析(张策汇报)

Analysis of Nasal Obstruction Patterns Following Reductive Rhinoplasty

41. 眼见为实吗?对YouTube上美容手术视频信息质量的一项评估(华威天报告)

Can You Trust What You Watch? An Assessment of the Quality of Information in Aesthetic Surgery Videos on YouTube

42. 整形外科中是否存在性别不平等?评估社会领导力及编辑委员会的构成(华威天报告)

Is There Gender Inequality in Plastic Surgery? Evaluation of Society Leadership and Composition of Editorial Boards

43. 欧洲社交媒体中“#PlasticSurgery”主题标签分析:教育和领导的机会(华威天报告)

Analysis of #PlasticSurgery in Europe: An Opportunity for Education and Leadership

44. 单侧冠状缝早闭的斜视:眼眶畸形与额眶前移及重塑的关系(华威天报告)

Strabismus in Unicoronal Craniosynostosis: Effect of Orbital Dysmorphology and Fronto-Orbital Advancement and Remodeling

45. 减少唇裂患儿的阿片类药物使用量:一项多学科的质量改进措施以减少接受唇裂手术的患者围手术期阿片类药物的使用量(华威天报告)

The Reducing Opioid Use in Children with Clefts Protocol: A Multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Effort to Reduce Perioperative Opioid Use in Patients Undergoing Cleft Surgery

46. 西澳大利亚洲采用标准化方案在混合牙列期进行牙槽骨移植的30年回顾性研究(华威天报告)

A Review of 30 Years of Alveolar Bone Grafting in the Mixed Dentition Using a Standardized Protocol in Western Australia

47. 双嘧达莫涂层3D打印生物陶瓷支架在生长颅骨中的骨组织工程:结构优化和对颅缝通畅性的影响(赵跃军报告)

Bone Tissue Engineering in the Growing Calvaria Using Dipyridamole-Coated, Three-Dimensionally–Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds: Construct Optimization and Effects on Cranial Suture Patency

48. 脂肪干细胞中的足平台蛋白(podoplanin)阳性/阴性细胞在淋巴再生中的作用(赵跃军报告)

The Roles of Podoplanin-Positive/Podoplanin-Negative Cells from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Lymphatic Regeneration

49. 非接触式相控阵超声促进小鼠急性伤口愈合(赵跃军报告)

Noncontact Phased-Array Ultrasound Facilitates Acute Wound Healing in Mice

50. 单次骨内注射辛伐他汀促进糖尿病大鼠内皮祖细胞动员、新生血管和创面愈合(赵跃军报告)

Single Intraosseous Injection of Simvastatin Promotes Endothelial Progenitor Cell Mobilization, Neovascularization, and Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats

51. 近端指间关节脂肪筋膜瓣重建术改善指间关节挛缩松解后的主动活动(赵跃军报告)

Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Adipofascial Flap Resurfacing Improves the Active Motion of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint after Contracture Release

52. 额部触发部位手术治疗偏头痛:术中解剖学分析(赵跃军报告)

Migraine Surgery at the Frontal Trigger Site: An Analysis of Intraoperative Anatomy

53. 分期Abbe皮瓣-鼻整形技术纠正双侧唇裂畸形(张磊报告)

Staged Abbe-Rhinoplasty Technique to Correct Bilateral Cleft Deformity

54. 一个客观、定量和动态评价透明质酸充填剂对面部运动的适应性(张磊报告)

An Objective, Quantitative, Dynamic Assessment of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers That Adapt to Facial Movement

55. 不同保险体系支付的医生劳务费差别对开展游离皮瓣乳房重建术的影响:全国数据库分析(张磊报告)

Impact of Physician Payments on Microvascular Breast Reconstruction: An All-Payer Claim Database Analysis

56. 机器人提取DIEP皮瓣(张磊报告)

The Robotic DIEP Flap

57. 第一位女性整形外科医生对面部除皱术的贡献(吴溯帆报告)

Contributions of the First Female Plastic Surgeon to Modern-Day Rhytidectomies

58. 含有PMMA颗粒的面部填充剂引起炎性肉芽肿及治疗的综述(吴溯帆报告)

PMMA Safety for Facial Filling: Review of Rates of Granuloma Occurrence and Treatment Methods

59. 口周美容手术的共识(吴溯帆报告)

Perioral Ruler in Routine Esthetic Surgery: Convenient and Exact

60. 眼整形术中如何防止外眦畸形(吴溯帆报告)

Preventing Lateral Canthal Malposition in Modern Blepharoplasty

61. 外缝合法预防男性乳房发育术后血肿(吴溯帆报告)

External Quilting: New Technique to Avoid Haematoma in Gynaecomastia Surgery

62. 下肢加压裤对整形手术患者血液纤溶性的影响:随机实验(吴溯帆报告)

The Effect of Sequential Compression Devices on Fibrinolysis in Plastic Surgery Outpatients: A Randomized Trial

63. 口服乙酰水杨酸抑制血小板聚集患者行腕管松解术后并发症的风险:一项多中心倾向评分匹配研究(郑玉婷报告)

The Risk of Complications after Carpal Tunnel Release in Patients Taking Acetylsalicylic Acid as Platelet Inhibition: A Multicenter Propensity Score–Matched Study

64. 对乳腺癌术后患者行手部手术安全性及预后的评估:治疗淋巴水肿的新建议(郑玉婷报告)

An Evaluation of Safety and Patient Outcomes for Hand Surgery following Prior Breast Cancer Treatment: Establishing New Recommendations in Lymphedema

65. 一项回顾性病例系列报告同种异体神经移植治疗周围神经损伤的结果(郑玉婷报告)

A Retrospective Case Series Reporting the Outcomes of Avance Nerve Allografts in the Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Injuries

66. 非综合征性颅缝早闭初次矫正后的二次缝合融合:危险因素的识别(郑玉婷报告)

Secondary Suture Fusion after Primary Correction of Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis: Recognition of the Problem and Identification of Risk Factors

67. 迷迭香酸和乙醇对大鼠脂肪移植成活的影响(郑玉婷报告)

Effect of Rosmarinic Acid and Alcohol on Fat Graft Survival in Rat Model

68. 低能量点阵1927nm非剥脱点阵激光治疗深色皮肤型患者炎症后色素沉着:一项回顾性照片汇总分析(冯微报告)

Treatment of Post‐Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation in Patients With Darker Skin Types Using a Low Energy 1927nm Non‐Ablative Fractional Laser: A Retrospective Photographic Review Analysis.

69. 体内反射共聚焦显微镜研究发现皮内金微粒沉积:皮肤苔藓病的个案报告(冯微报告)

In Vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy of Gold Microparticles Deposited in the Skin. A Case Report on Cutaneous Chrysiasis.

70. 氦气等离子机用于皮肤再生:猪皮肤组织的实验效果评价(冯微报告)

Helium Plasma Skin Regeneration: Evaluation of Skin Tissue Effects in a Porcine.

71. 秃发诊治现状: 为整形外科医生提供的系统回顾和mata分析(冯微报告)

Contemporary Management of Alopecia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis for Surgeons.

72. 病例汇总:保留乳头的乳房切除术风险评估模型的建立与验证(冯微报告)

Putting Together the Pieces: Development and Validation of a Risk-Assessment Model for Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy .

73. 无针注射辅助给药-皮肤内药物分布的组织学特征(陈燕报告)

Needle‐Free Injection Assisted Drug Delivery—Histological Characterization of Cutaneous Deposition.

74. 脉冲染料激光和1%羟甲唑啉乳膏治疗红斑型酒渣鼻:回顾性研究(陈燕报告)

Treatment of Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea With Pulsed‐Dye Laser and Oxymetazoline 1.0% Cream: A Retrospective Study.

75. 比较及联合使用1927 nm铥点阵激光和光动力治疗脱色皮肤光损伤:一项并行随机对照试验(陈燕报告)

Fractional 1927 nm Thulium Laser Plus Photodynamic Therapy Compared and Combined for Photodamaged Décolleté Skin: A Side‐by‐Side Randomized Controlled Trial.

76. 去铁胺保护“Lull pgm系统”的基质/干细胞可防止线粒体呼吸抑制引起的损伤(陈燕报告)

Deferoxamine Protects Stromal/Stem Cells of “Lull pgm System”-Processed Lipoaspirates Against Damages Induced by Mitochondrial Respiration Inhibition.

77. 整形美容手术中的出血:一种具有临床应用价值的预测方法(陈燕报告)

Bleeding in Plastic–Aesthetic Surgery: A Prognostic Pathway with Clinical Application.

78. 使用脱细胞真皮基质与否的胸大肌前两期假体乳房再造:我们看到区别了吗? (金婷婷汇报)

Prepectoral Two-Stage Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction with and without Acellular Dermal Matrix: Do We See a Difference?

79. 胸大肌正中切开的双平面隆乳术(金婷婷汇报)

Pectoralis Major Median Myotomy: The Median Cut

80. 低能量1927 nm铥点阵激光联合光动力和单用光动力治疗胸部皮肤年轻化的双侧对照研究(金婷婷汇报)

Split‐Sided Chest Study of Skin Rejuvenation Comparing Low‐Energy, 1,927‐nm Thulium Fractional Laser Treatment Prior to Photodynamic Therapy Versus Photodynamic Therapy Alone.

81. 一种点阵热机械损伤经皮给药的新方法(金婷婷汇报)

A New Method for Percutaneous Drug Delivery by Thermo‐Mechanical Fractional Injury.

82. 评价长脉冲755nm激光脱毛的安全性和有效性:一项948例患者参与的双中心研究(金婷婷汇报)

Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Laser Hair Removal with the Long‐Pulsed 755 nm Wavelength Laser: A Two‐Center Study with 948 Patients.
