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1. 短切口三区块L翼形巨乳缩小术(李婧宇报告)

The Short Scar Three Block L Wing Technique

2. 通过下睑手术增大睑裂高度:中国患者的新选择(赵烨汇报)

Vertical enlargement of the palpebral aperture by surgical modification of the lower eyelid: a new cosmetic option for Chinese patients

3. 单侧唇裂鼻畸形:一期整复术后鼻基底原发畸形及纵向变化的三维分析(来方远报告)

Unilateral Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity: Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Primary Deformity and Longitudinal Changes following Primary Correction of the Nasal Foundation

4. 手部皮瓣重建(赵跃军报告)

Flap Reconstruction of the Hand

5. 动脉内介入取栓术治疗透明质酸注射引起的眼动脉栓塞(张磊报告)

Evaluation of Intraarterial Thrombolysis in Treatment of Cosmetic Facial Filler-Related Ophthalmic Artery Occlusion

6. 一种可以延长巨乳缩小术后效果维持时间的新技术:真皮悬吊B技术。(冀宇报告)

B-Technique with dermis Suspension: A new approach towards reduction mammaplasty combining short-scar with durability of results

7. A型肉毒毒素治疗缺血性手部创伤(郑玉婷报告)

Botulinum Toxin A Salvage of Ischemic Hand Trauma

8. 皮肤镜对于大光斑532nm激光治疗鲜红斑痣疗效的预测价值。(冯微报告)

Predictive value of dermoscopy for the treatment of port‐wine stains with large spot 532 nm laser

9. 用于阴道年轻化的光电设备:一项对MAUDE数据库的横向分析(金婷婷汇报)

1.Lasers and energy‐based devices marketed for vaginal rejuvenation: A cross‐sectional analysis of the MAUDE database

10. 强脉冲光(IPL)联合CO2激光消融治疗大范围增生性瘢痕的疗效:一项前瞻性随机对照试验(金婷婷汇报)

Efficacy of Combined Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) With Fractional CO2‐Laser Ablation in the Treatment of Large Hypertrophic Scars: A Prospective, Randomized Control Trial

11. 使用拉索概念重建上睑的力学功能(张策汇报)

Recreation of eyelid mechanics using the sling concept

12. 颞肌及其附近结构的相关解剖(吴溯帆报告)

The Temporalis Muscle and Its Relationship to the Accessory Attachments and the Main Pedicle – A Cadaveric Study


13. 最后的结局-模拟显微外科的一种血管吻合定量评估工具(李婧宇报告)

“The End Game- A Quantitative Assessment Tool for Anastomoses in Simulated Microsurgery”

14. 肢体淋巴水肿中多淋巴小体注射吲哚菁绿淋巴造影可比淋巴显像检测到更多淋巴管(李婧宇报告)

Multi-lymphosome injection indocyanine green lymphography can detect more lymphatic vessels than lymphoscintigraphy in lymphedematous limbs

15. 鼻小柱重建-对当前技术的全面回顾(李婧宇报告)

Nasal Columella reconstruction – A comprehensive review of the current techniques

16. BMP-2和髂骨松质骨移植治疗齿槽裂的骨形态评价:一项荟萃分析(李婧宇报告)

Outcomes of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 and iliac cancellous bone transplantation on alveolar cleft bone grafting: A Meta-Analysis

17. 同侧经鼻内眦韧带固定术矫正鼻-眶-筛骨骨折后继发内眦间距过宽(李婧宇报告)

Ipsilateral Transnasal Medial Canthopexy to Correct Secondary Telecanthus after Naso-orbito-ethmoid fracture

18. 术前下肢静脉造影在下肢创伤患者下肢皮瓣设计中的应用价值(李婧宇报告)

The Utility of Preoperative Venous Testing for Lower Extremity Flap Planning in Patients with Lower Extremity Wounds

19. 下肢症状性神经瘤的手术治疗:长期效果(赵烨汇报)

Surgery for Lower Extremity Symptomatic Neuroma: Long-term Outcomes

20. 内上蒂去皮乳房缩小术:一项回顾性研究(赵烨汇报)

Breast Reduction with Deskinning of a Superomedial Pedicle: A Retrospective Cohort Study

21. DIEP皮瓣特点对临床的影响:一项前瞻性的吲哚菁绿荧光成像研究(赵烨汇报)

Clinical impact of DIEP Flap Perforator Characteristics – A Prospective Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging Study

22. 乳房切除即刻重建术后当日出院:单一三级中心回顾性审计(赵烨汇报)

Successful Same Day Discharge After Immediate Post-Mastectomy Alloplastic Breast Reconstruction: A Single Tertiary Centre Retrospective Audit

23. 对侧隆乳对即刻假体乳房重建并发症的影响(赵烨汇报)

The Influence of Contralateral Breast Augmentation on the Development of Complications in Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction

24. 双侧股薄肌皮瓣:骨盆及会阴重建的新方法(赵烨汇报)

Bilobed Gracilis Flap: A Novel Alternative for Pelvic and Perineal Reconstruction

25. 1989年至2018年间荷兰变性人生殖器性别确定性手术:外科护理的发展(赵烨汇报)

Genital Gender-Affirming Surgery in Transgender Men in The Netherlands from 1989 to 2018: The Evolution of Surgical Care

26. 人脸识别神经网络证实面部女性化手术的成功(华威天报告)

Facial Recognition Neural Networks Confirm Success of Facial Feminization Surgery

27. 复合面部和全眼移植的新型大型动物模型的开发:使用吲哚菁绿和液体乳胶进行解剖测绘的新应用(华威天报告)

Development of a New Large-Animal Model for Composite Face and Whole-Eye Transplantation: A Novel Application for Anatomical Mapping Using Indocyanine Green and Liquid Latex

28. 在辐射诱发的乳腺脂肪垫纤维化的新型模型中为脂肪移植创造有利的微环境(华威天报告)

Creating a Favorable Microenvironment for Fat Grafting in a Novel Model of Radiation-Induced Mammary Fat Pad Fibrosis

29. 1,4-二氨基丁烷预防人肥厚性瘢痕的生化及临床效果的初步报告(华威天报告)

A Preliminary Report of the Biochemical and Clinical Effects of 1,4-Diaminobutane on Prevention of Human Hypertrophic Scars

30. 预测小鼠皮瓣坏死时,快照式多光谱成像并不逊于SPY激光荧光成像(华威天报告)

Snapshot Multispectral Imaging Is Not Inferior to SPY Laser Fluorescence Imaging When Predicting Murine Flap Necrosis

31. 评估创伤性断指患者报告结局测量工具的可靠性和有效性(华威天报告)

Reliability and Validity of Upper Extremity Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Assessing Traumatic Finger Amputation Management

32. 整形外科文献中已注册和已发表的随机对照试验中的主要和次要结果之间的差异:系统综述(华威天报告)

Discrepancies between Registered and Published Primary and Secondary Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials within the Plastic Surgery Literature: A Systematic Review

33. 使用高比例富血小板血浆扩增微脂肪颗粒具有负面影响:一项临床前研究(来方远报告)

The Use of Higher Proportions of Platelet-Rich Plasma to Enrich Microfat Has Negative Effects: A Preclinical Study

34. 神经束翻转皮瓣行神经修复后神经瘤的形成(来方远报告)

Neuroma Formation following Fascicular Turnover Flap Nerve Repair

35. 四肢软组织肉瘤术后神经重建术的功能恢复的系统综述(来方远报告)

A systematic review of functional outcomes after nerve reconstruction in extremity soft tissue sarcomas: a need for general implementation in the armamentarium

36. 毛面假体植入和间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(BIA-ALCL)的关系:3546名女性长期随访的前瞻性研究(来方远报告)

Risk of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) in a Cohort of 3546 Women Prospectively Followed Long Term After Reconstruction with Textured Breast Implants

37. 短期医疗队实施头颈部畸形术后的长期随访:埃塞俄比亚慈善活动后的回顾性队列研究(来方远报告)

Long-term outcomes associated with short-term surgical missions treating complex head and neck disfigurement in Ethiopia: A retrospective cohort study

38. 肘管修复手术的危险因素分析(来方远报告)

Risk factors for revision cubital tunnel surgery

39. 使用AeroForm组织扩张器进行二期乳房重建的多中心、前瞻性、连续的临床试验:XPAND II试验结果(赵跃军报告)

Results of XPAND II: A Multicenter, Prospective, Continued-Access Clinical Trial Using the AeroForm Tissue Expander for Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction

40. 我们应该继续使用外科胶水吗?102例乳房术后患者使用2-辛基氰基丙烯酸盐后皮炎的发生率(赵跃军报告)

Should We Stick with Surgical Glues? The Incidence of Dermatitis after 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate Exposure in 102 Consecutive Breast Cases

41. 乳头乳晕3D纹身模板:乳头数字编码模型(赵跃军报告)

A Nipple-Areola Stencil for Three-Dimensional Tattooing: Nipple by Number

42. 与乳房植入物相关的间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(BIA-ALCL)是否以淋巴增生性疾病开始?(赵跃军报告)

Does Breast Implant–Associated ALCL Begin as a Lymphoproliferative Disorder?

43. 弱扩散新型注射用A型肉毒毒素治疗眉间纹:两项多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、3期研究(SAKURA 1和SAKURA 2)的结果(赵跃军报告)

DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines: Results from Each of Two Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 Studies (SAKURA 1 and SAKURA 2)

44. 整形外科住院医师通过数字模拟培训获得的知识和技能:一项前瞻性、随机、盲法试验(赵跃军报告)

Knowledge and Skills Acquisition by Plastic Surgery Residents through Digital Simulation Training: A Prospective, Randomized, Blinded Trial

45. 对DIEP皮瓣进行荧光血管造影的效果:一项随机对照临床试验(张磊报告)

Outcomes of DIEP Flap and Fluorescent Angiography: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

46. 乳房术后动态畸形和患者报告的结果:运用BREAST-Q 量表对动态畸形进行量化风险(张磊报告)

The Relationship between Animation Deformity and Patient-Reported Outcomes: Application of the BREAST-Q to a Quantitative Stratification of Animation Severity

47. 医疗保险对乳房再造术式选择的影响(张磊报告)

Impact of Insurance Payer on Type of Breast Reconstruction Performed

48. 有效使用乳房评分表(BREAST-Q):对乳房重建患者设计最小重要差异项目(张磊报告)

Giving Meaning to Differences in BREAST-Q Scores: Minimal Important Difference for Breast Reconstruction Patients

49. 围手术期阿片类药物预防性使用量与术后继续使用量的关系:分析24594例乳房缩小术患者(张磊报告)

Initial Opioid Prescriptions Predict Continued Narcotic Use: Analysis of 24,594 Reduction Mammaplasty Patients

50. 填补知识空白:A/B法评估术后理想的自体乳房重建效果的宣传教育(张磊报告)

Bridging the Knowledge Gap: An Examination of the Ideal Postoperative Autologous Breast Reconstruction Educational Material with A/B Testing

51. 评估人脂肪来源干细胞水平与获取分离技术是否高相关性(冀宇报告)

Measured Levels of Human Adipose Tissue–Derived Stem Cells in Adipose Tissue Is Strongly Dependent on Harvesting Method and Stem Cell Isolation Technique

52. 预外扩张能提高辐射组织内脂肪移植物的生存(冀宇报告)

Increasing Fat Graft Retention in Irradiated Tissue after Preconditioning with External Volume Expansion

53. 99例关节内脂肪移植改善拇腕掌骨关节炎一年效果分析(冀宇报告)

One-Year Outcomes of Intraarticular Fat Transplantation for Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Osteoarthritis: Case Review of 99 Joints

54. 脱钙骨基质和可吸收补片在儿童大面积颅骨缺损的二次修复中无效(冀宇报告)

Demineralized Bone Matrix and Resorbable Mesh Bilaminate Cranioplasty Is Ineffective for Secondary Reconstruction of Large Pediatric Cranial Defects

55. 基于人群健康效用评估术前和术后偏头痛变化(冀宇报告)

Population-Based Health Utility Assessment of Migraine Headache Symptoms before and after Surgical Intervention

56. 胫骨后动脉筋膜脂肪瓣在头颈部修复中的应用:间隔穿支和供区障碍(冀宇报告)

Posterior Tibial Artery Flap with an Adipofascial Extension: Clinical Application in Head and Neck Reconstruction with Detailed Insight into Septocutaneous Perforators and Donor-Site Morbidity

57. 游离腓骨瓣重建肿瘤性椎骨切除术后的脊柱稳定性(冀宇报告)

Free Fibula Flap for Restoration of Spinal Stability after Oncologic Vertebrectomy Is Predictive of Bony Union

58. 男性脱发患者的面部拉皮术:新趋势和特殊需求(郑玉婷报告)

Face Lifting in Bald Male Patients: New Trends and Specific Needs

59. 1000例整形外科门诊患者使用多普勒超声监测深静脉血栓的回顾性研究(郑玉婷报告)

Prospective Study of Doppler Ultrasound Surveillance for Deep Venous Thromboses in 1000 Plastic Surgery Outpatients

60. 口内入路同时行颈阔肌整形术与颏成形术(郑玉婷报告)

Concurrent Platysmaplasty and Genioplasty Using a Novel Intraoral Approach

61. 化学换肤:当今在面部年轻化中的作用(郑玉婷报告)

Chemical Peels: Role of Chemical Peels in Facial Rejuvenation Today

62. 美国整形外科学院中种族差异的评估(郑玉婷报告)

An Evaluation of Race Disparities in Academic Plastic Surgery

63. SMAD6基因型预测非综合征性颅缝早闭的神经发育(郑玉婷报告)

SMAD6 Genotype Predicts Neurodevelopment in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis

64. 血管内光声成像技术中的激光阈值及细胞损伤机制(冯微报告)

Laser threshold and cell damage mechanism for intravascular photoacoustic imaging.

65. 脉冲染料激光用作表皮生长因子受体抑制剂引起的丘疹的辅助治疗,一项随机双盲对照研究(冯微报告)

Pulsed‐dye laser as an adjuvant treatment for papulopustular eruptions from epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors, a randomized blinded split‐faced controlled trial.

66. 单次高能微波治疗亚洲原发性腋窝多汗症的临床和组织学评价:一项前瞻性、随机、对照、半侧对照研究(冯微报告)

Clinical and histological evaluation of a single high energy microwave treatment for primary axillary hyperhidrosis in Asians: A prospective, randomized, controlled, split‐area comparative trial.

67. 运用定量蛋白组学分析低强度激光治疗男性雄激素性脱发前后真皮乳头内蛋白成分的变化(冯微报告)

Quantitative proteomic analysis of dermal papilla from male androgenetic alopecia comparing before and after treatment with low‐level laser therapy.

68. 一种含25 mg/g利多卡因和25 mg/g丙胺卡因(纳米拉普)的新型纳米技术表面麻醉剂在点阵二氧化碳治疗Fitzpatrick I-III型患者额部皮肤的三期临床试用研究(冯微报告)

Randomized, double‐blind, phase III clinical study of a novel nanotechnological topical anesthetic formulation containing lidocaine 25 mg/g and prilocaine 25 mg/g (nanorap) in skin phototypes I–III patients with ablative fractional CO2 laser treatment indication in the forehead.

69. 局部使用硝酸甘油可降低巨乳缩小术中皮瓣的坏死率——系统回顾和Meta分析(张策汇报)

Topical Nitroglycerin is Associated with a Reduced Mastectomy Skin Flap Necrosis- Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

70. 颧弓骨折复位中颞深筋膜分裂线(即分为颞深深和颞深浅)的位置(张策汇报)

Location of the split line of the deep temporal fascia for when reducing a zygomatic arch fracture

71. 英国医学本科生烧伤知识现状调查(张策汇报)

A Survey of Current Burns Knowledge in UK Undergraduate Medical Students

72. 岛状带蒂TRAM皮瓣:改善乳房再造术的美学效果(张策汇报)

The Island-Type Pedicled TRAM Flap: Improvement of the Aesthetic Outcomes of Breast Reconstruction

73. Morton神经瘤治疗中的A.L. Dellon神经减压术——回顾性分析(张策汇报)

Nerve decompression according to A.L. Dellon in Morton neuroma - A retrospective analysis

74. 外伤性下肢再造术中双目放大镜与手术显微镜吻合血管的配对比较(张策汇报)

Matched Comparison of Microsurgical Anastomoses Performed with Loupe Magnification versus Operating Microscope in Traumatic Lower Extremity Reconstruction

75. 氢可酮/对乙酰氨基酚用于儿童撕裂伤修复的评价:一项随机试验(张策汇报)

Evaluation of Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen for Pediatric Laceration Repair: A Randomized Trial

76. 用光吸收的金微粒和脉冲光治疗痤疮:一项对中重度寻常痤疮患者开放性的欧洲多中心研究(金婷婷汇报)

Acne Treatment with Light Absorbing Gold Microparticles and Optical Pulses: An Open‐Label European Multi‐Centered Study in Moderate to Moderately Severe Acne Vulgaris Patients

77. Q开关翠绿宝石激光治疗咖啡-牛奶斑:分析中国大陆471名儿童的临床特征(金婷婷汇报)

Treatment of Café‐Au‐Lait Spots Using Q‐Switched Alexandrite Laser: Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of 471 Children in Mainland China

78. 颏动脉升支的解剖及其在颏部注射时的意义(吴溯帆报告)

Implication of Location of the Ascending Mental Artery at the Chin Injection Point

79. 鼻唇沟的CT影像学研究(吴溯帆报告)

80. The Nasolabial Fold: A Micro–Computed Tomography Study

81. 骨间神经和尺侧运动神经端侧吻合治疗肘管综合征的适应症(吴溯帆报告)

Refining Indications for the Supercharge End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous to Ulnar Motor Nerve Transfer in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

82. 不输血实施颅骨手术:一种新的全方位减少出血的方法(吴溯帆报告)

Transfusion-Free Cranial Vault Remodeling: A Novel, Multifaceted Approach

83. 不同年龄颅颌面畸形儿童的心理问题差异(吴溯帆报告)

Discrepancies in Parent Perceptions and Patient-Reported Psychosocial Function in Children with Craniofacial Anomalies
