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  1. 额部脂肪移植:亚洲人面部轮廓塑形与填充(李婧宇报告)

  Forehead Fat Grafting: Asian Facial Contouring and Augmentation

  2. 改良双蒂皮瓣修复躯干四肢肿瘤性皮肤缺损(冀宇报告)

  The modified bipedicled flap for reconstruction of oncological skin defects of the trunk and extremities

  3. 50例股前外侧皮瓣联合髂胫束皮瓣修复肿瘤广泛切除术后腹壁缺损(冀宇报告)

  Autologous Abdominal Wall Reconstruction using Anterolateral Thigh and Iliotibial Tract Flap after Extensive Tumor Resection: A Case Series Study of 50 Consecutive Cases

  4. 点阵二氧化碳激光改善移植皮片外观的长期效果: 一项前瞻性、随机双盲对照研究(冯微报告)

  Fractional carbon dioxide laser resurfacing of skin grafts: long‐term results of a prospective, randomized, split‐scar, evaluator‐blinded study.

  5. 二氧化碳点阵激光治疗阴道松弛症:临床前研究(陈燕报告)

  Fractional CO2 laser treatment for vaginal laxity: A preclinical study

  6. 外泌体在脂肪移植存活和上调早期炎症和血管生成方面可与其来源的脂肪干细胞相媲美(金婷婷报告)

  Exosomes Are Comparable to Source Adipose Stem Cells in Fat Graft Retention with Up-Regulating Early Inflammation and Angiogenesis

  7. 增压带蒂空肠瓣行全食管重建:100例回顾性综述(来方远报告)

  The Supercharged Pedicled Jejunal Flap for Total Esophageal Reconstruction: A Retrospective Review of 100 Cases

  8. 眉下切口上睑成形术联合眶周肌肉处理对亚洲女性眶周年轻化的作用(张磊报告)

  Subbrow Blepharoplasty Combined with Periorbital Muscle Manipulation for Periorbital Rejuvenation in Asian Women

  9. 下睑成形术后微细颗粒脂肪注射矫正眶下沟(张磊报告)

  Infraorbital groove correction by microfat injection after lower blepharoplasty

  10. 鼻尖位置的控制:鼻小柱支架和鼻中隔延伸物移植的定量评估(赵烨报告)

  Control of Nasal Tip Position: Quantitative Assessment of Columellar Strut versus Caudal Septal Extension Graft

  11. 腮腺癌根治术后用股外侧肌及股前外侧嵌合皮瓣修复面部缺损并重建动态功能(赵跃军报告)

  Chimeric Vastus Lateralis and Anterolateral Thigh Flap for Restoring Facial Defects and Dynamic Function following Radical Parotidectomy

  12. 单侧唇裂的鼻畸形:鼻基底入路的初次鼻整形技术(张策报告)

  Unilateral Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity: Foundation-Based Approach to Primary Rhinoplasty

  13. 单侧完全唇裂修复术中唇周肌重建及唇延长术的新技术(张策报告)

  A new technique for perioral muscle reconstruction and lip lengthening in complete unilateral cleft lip Muscle reconstruction in unilateral cleft lip repair

  14. 广谱强脉冲光的抗衰老作用:长期回顾性评价(吴溯帆报告)

  Retrospective Evaluation of the Long-term Antiaging Effects of BroadBand Light Therapy


  15. 保留乳头的乳房切除术前,实施分期乳房缩小能否减少并发症?分期和非分期技术之间的配对队列研究(李婧宇报告)

  Does Staged Breast Reduction before Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Decrease Complications? A Matched Cohort Study between Staged and Nonstaged Techniques

  16. 接受新辅助化疗的患者即刻乳房重建的结果:时间、术后并发症和放疗的延迟(李婧宇报告)

  Outcomes in Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Undergoing Immediate Breast Reconstruction: Effect of Timing, Postoperative Complications, and Delay to Radiation Therapy

  17. 乳房缩小手术后BREAST-Q的问卷结果:前瞻性研究和与标准数据的比较(李婧宇报告)

  Outcomes of Breast Reduction Surgery Using the BREAST-Q: A Prospective Study and Comparison with Normative Data

  18. 网状和非网状脱细胞真皮在乳房即刻重建术中的对比研究(李婧宇报告)

  Comparative Study of Meshed and Nonmeshed Acellular Dermal Matrix in Immediate Breast Reconstruction

  19. 声激波疗法结合皮秒激光可加速纹身去除(陈燕报告)

  Accelerated tattoo removal with acoustic shock wave therapy in conjunction with a picosecond laser

  20. 激光治疗女性高分化阴道上皮内瘤变:比较激光消融与手术切除的倾向匹配分析(陈燕报告)

  LASER treatment for women with high‐grade vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia: A propensity‐matched analysis on the efficacy of ablative versus excisional procedures

  21. 眼周二氧化碳激光焕肤:由于激光多次意外烧灼金属保护眼罩而导致的严重眼部并发症(陈燕报告)

  Periocular CO2 laser resurfacing: severe ocular complications from multiple unintentional laser impacts on the protective metal eye shields

  22. 外用溴莫尼定可在不影响疗效的情况下减少IPL引起的红斑:一项关于面部毛细血管扩张症患者的随机对照试验(陈燕报告)

  Topical brimonidine reduces IPL‐induced erythema without affecting efficacy: A randomized controlled trial in patients with facial telangiectasias

  23. 面部脂肪移植改善肤质的效果:综述(冀宇报告)

  The Effects of Facial Lipografting on Skin Quality: A Systematic Review

  24. 颈阔肌条索神经离断术:一种新的除皱术式(冀宇报告)

  Surgical Denervation of Platysma Bands: A Novel Technique in Rhytidectomy

  25. 内含细胞聚集物的纳米脂肪:一种类似于接种基质细胞的受区特异性的再生疗法(冀宇报告)

  Nanofat Cell Aggregates: A Nearly Constitutive Stromal Cell Inoculum for Regenerative Site-Specific Therapies

  26. 等离子体光热疗法:一种先进的治疗方法(冯微报告)

  Plasmonic photothermal therapy: Approaches to advanced strategy

  27. 皮秒755nm翠绿宝石激光衍射透镜阵列手具对于中国人皮肤非剥脱年轻化治疗的有效性及安全性研究(冯微报告)

  Efficacy and safety of picosecond 755‐nm alexandrite laser with diffractive lens array for non‐ablative rejuvenation in Chinese skin

  28. 双波长皮秒激光治疗亚洲人良性色素性病变的安全性和有效性评价(冯微报告)

  Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the dual wavelength picosecond laser for the treatment of benign pigmented lesions in Asians.

  29. 含全氟萘烷贴片辅助皮秒和Q开关激光治疗Fitzpatrick IV-VI型皮肤患者纹身的安全性研究(冯微报告)

  Perfluorodecalin‐infused patch in picosecond and Q‐switched laser‐assisted tattoo removal: Safety in Fitzpatrick IV–VI skin types.

  30. 点阵CO2激光联合他克莫司治疗白癜风的初步研究(金婷婷报告)

  Preliminary study on the treatment of vitiligo with carbon dioxide fractional laser together with tacrolimus

  31. 点阵微等离子体射频治疗中国萎缩性痤疮瘢痕患者:一项前瞻性研究(金婷婷报告)

  Treatment of atrophic acne scarring with fractional micro‐plasma radio‐frequency in Chinese patients: A prospective study

  32. 利用新型双波长双脉冲皮秒激光治疗亚洲人日光性雀斑样痣(金婷婷报告)

  Prospective study of removing solar lentigines in Asians using a novel dual‐wavelength and dual‐pulse width picosecond laser

  33. 人真皮成纤维细胞亚群对可见光和近红外光的不同发应:光生物调节作用在解决皮肤问题中的潜力(金婷婷报告)

  Differential response of human dermal fibroblast subpopulations to visible and near‐infrared light: Potential of photobiomodulation for addressing cutaneous conditions

  34. 563例下肢重建中游离穿支皮瓣选择的排序(华威天报告)

  Algorithm for Free Perforator Flap Selection in Lower Extremity Reconstruction Based on 563 Cases

  35. 超显微淋巴管静脉吻合术是淋巴溢患者的治疗选择(华威天报告)

  Supermicrosurgical Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis as an Alternative Treatment Option for Patients with Lymphorrhea

  36. 整形外科培训对计划生育与产前健康的影响(华威天报告)

  The Impact of Plastic Surgery Training on Family Planning and Prenatal Health

  37. 整形外科中调查的批判性评估:系统综述(华威天报告)

  Critical Assessment of Surveys in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Systematic Review

  38. 整形外科中具有统计学意义的随机对照试验的脆弱性(华威天报告)

  The Fragility of Statistically Significant Randomized Controlled Trials in Plastic Surgery

  39. 先天性黑素细胞痣的研究结果和测量工具:系统综述(华威天报告)

  Outcomes and measurement instruments used in Congenital Melanocytic Naevi research: A systematic review

  40. 大量减重患者腹壁整形中使用局麻药止痛置管可减少阿片类药物的使用:一项对比研究(华威天报告)

  Local anesthetic pain catheters to reduce opioids use in massive weight loss patients undergoing abdominoplasty: A comparative study

  41. Ⅰ型血管紧张素ⅠⅠ受体阻断与大鼠皮肤瘢痕形成减少有关(来方远报告)

  Angiotensin II Type I Receptor Blockade Is Associated with Decreased Cutaneous Scar Formation in a Rat Model

  42. 咪喹莫特与骨形成蛋白9协同,通过Notch途径诱导体外骨形成(来方远报告)

  Imiquimod Acts Synergistically with BMP9 through the Notch Pathway as an Osteoinductive Agent In Vitro

  43. 部分损伤的神经供体是否能恢复急性臂丛神经损伤大鼠的曲肘功能?(来方远报告)

  Can a Partially Injured Donor Nerve Restore Elbow Flexion in an Acute Brachial Plexus Injury in Rats?

  44. 掌腱膜挛缩症再次手术的疗效:与初治的比较(来方远报告)

  Outcome of Recurrent Surgery in Dupuytren’s Disease: Comparison with Initial Treatment

  45. 游离皮瓣重建中静脉吻合技术应用的Meta分析(来方远报告)

  Meta-analysis of venous anastomosis techniques in free flap reconstruction

  46. 脊柱肿瘤伤口术后的立即重建比传统的一期伤口关闭更具有成本效益比(张磊报告)

  Immediate Reconstruction of Oncologic Spinal Wounds Is Cost-Effective Compared with Conventional Primary Wound Closure

  47. 腹会阴切除术后有效费用及并发症的比较:一期闭合性与皮瓣重建(张磊报告)

  Comparison of Effective Cost and Complications after Abdominoperineal Resection: Primary Closure versus Flap Reconstruction

  48. 一种在吲哚菁绿淋巴管造影术中量化淋巴管收缩力的新方法(张磊报告)

  A Novel Approach to Quantifying Lymphatic Contractility during Indocyanine Green Lymphangiography

  49. 面部脂肪室回顾:与皮下解剖和面部提升术中面部收紧的临床相关性(赵烨报告)

  The Facial Fat Compartments Revisited: Clinical Relevance to Subcutaneous Dissection and Facial Deflation in Face Lifting

  50. 面部女性化手术骨转化:通过虚拟设计提高解剖准确性(赵烨报告)

  Osseous Transformation with Facial Feminization Surgery: Improved Anatomical Accuracy with Virtual Planning

  51. 高氧溶液改善撕脱伤皮瓣模型的组织活力(赵烨报告)

  Hyperoxygenated Solution Improves Tissue Viability in an Avulsion Injury Flap Model

  52. 腹壁下浅动脉穿支皮瓣的动静脉系统解剖:基于计算机断层血管造影的回顾性研究(赵烨报告)

  Anatomy of the arterial and venous systems of the superficial inferior epigastric artery flap: a retrospective study based on computed tomographic angiography

  53. 背阔肌皮瓣联合假体两阶段法重建乳房:胸大肌前入路与胸大肌后入路(赵烨报告)

  Two-Stage Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction with Latissimus Flap: Prepectoral versus Subpectoral Approach

  54. 年龄在糖尿病患者下肢游离皮瓣重建术后即刻输注前列地尔脂微球制剂(lipo-PGE1)对动脉最大血流速度的影响:一项前瞻性观察研究(赵跃军报告)

  The role of age in determining the effects of lipo-PGE1 infusion on immediate arterial maximal flow velocity in diabetic patients undergoing free flap surgery for lower extremity reconstruction: A prospective observational study

  55. 在鼻部用SVF细胞组织工程真皮移植:回顾性病例对照研究(赵跃军报告)

  Tissue-Engineered Dermis Graft Using Stromal Vascular Fraction Cells on Nose: A Retrospective Case-Control Study

  56. 下垂大乳房保留乳头的乳房重建术(赵跃军报告)

  Nipple-sparing skin-reducing mastectomy with reconstruction for large ptotic breasts

  57. 舌基底扩大切除术后的喉保留重建(赵跃军报告)

  Larynx-preserving reconstruction after extended base of the tongue resection

  58. ADM辅助乳房重建和乳房缩小:扩大皮下重建的适应证(赵跃军报告)

  ADM-assisted prepectoral breast reconstruction and skin reduction mastectomy: expanding the indications for subcutaneous reconstruction.

  59. 上肢神经损伤中手臂、肩、手残障因素结构的问卷调查(郑玉婷报告)

  Factor Structure of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire in Upper Extremity Nerve Injury

  60. 高体重指数患者行门诊手部手术与肘部手术的围手术期风险相似(郑玉婷报告)

  Perioperative Risks Are Similar for Normal versus Selected High–Body Mass Index Patients Undergoing Outpatient Hand and Elbow Surgery

  61. 巩固时间和复发:对颅缝早闭综合征内、外中脸撑开治疗结果的系统回顾(郑玉婷报告)

  Consolidation Time and Relapse: A Systematic Review of Outcomes in Internal versus External Midface Distraction for Syndromic Craniosynostosis

  62. 切口并发症、非计划通气、延长的住院时间和初次腭成形术的再入院:3616例患者的危险因素分析(郑玉婷报告)

  Wound Complications, Additional Ventilation Requirement, Prolonged Stay, and Readmission in Primary Palatoplasty: A Risk Factor Analysis of 3616 Patients

  63. 与乳房相关的生活质量在年轻乳房缩小成形术患者: 使用乳房调查问卷长期随访(郑玉婷报告)

  Breast-Related Quality of Life in Young Reduction Mammaplasty Patients: A Long-Term Follow-Up Using the BREAST-Q

  64. 足底内侧逆行皮瓣的系统再评价:从血管解剖学概念到外科应用(郑玉婷报告)

  Systematic reappraisal of the reverse-flow medial plantar flap: From vascular anatomical concepts to surgical applications

  65. 对侧预防性乳房切除术(CPM)和临床咨询:英国医疗专业人员的观点和经验快照(郑玉婷报告)

  Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy (CPM) and the clinical consultation: A snapshot of UK healthcare professionals’ views and experiences

  66. 利用静脉成形术预防淋巴管吻合术中的静脉回流(张策报告)

  Prevention of venous reflux with full utilization of venoplasty in lymphaticovenular anastomosis

  67. 头颈部黑色素瘤和非黑色素瘤皮肤癌的区域发病率和重建模式:住院患者3年的分析(张策报告)

  Regional incidence of and reconstructive management patterns in melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer of the head and neck: A 3-year analysis in the inpatient setting

  68. 3D打印钛种植体如何改善上颌骨切除术后的眼眶重建? (张策报告)

  How 3D titanium implant could improve orbital reconstruction after maxillectomy?

  69. 仅靠纹身模拟乳头乳晕:整形外科医生的另一种选择(吴溯帆报告)

  Tattoo-only nipple-areola complex reconstruction: Another option for plastic surgeons

  70. 双氢克尿噻对DIEP乳房重建术后引流量和血清肿形成率的影响:随机对照研究(吴溯帆报告)

  Effects of Hydrochlorothiazide on Drainage Volume and Seroma Formation in Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction: Randomized Controlled Trial

  71. 颅缝早闭患者术前评价对比:Black-Bone磁共振 vs 三维CT重建(吴溯帆报告)

  Comparison of Black-Bone MRI and 3D-CT in the preoperative evaluation of patients with craniosynostosis

  72. 淋巴水肿的医疗费对比:消肿治疗vs淋巴静脉吻合(吴溯帆报告)

  Economics of Lymphovenous Bypass
