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2018.8.28 读书会25篇精读泛读题目

一、 精读5篇

1. 同心弧法颧部提升术应用于下睑年轻化或治疗睑外翻Concentric Malar Lift in the Management of Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation or Retraction: A Clinical Retrospective Study on 342 Cases, 13 Years After the First Publication

2. 淋巴管—静脉吻合治疗婴儿乳糜胸Lymphovenous Anastomosis for the Treatment of Chylothorax in Infants: A Novel Microsurgical Approach to a Devastating Problem

3. 面部血管走行及相互吻合与透明质酸注射引起的组织坏死的关系The Role of Anastomotic Vessels in Controlling Tissue Viability and Defining Tissue Necrosis with Special Reference to Complications following Injection of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

4. 充填剂注射调节肌肉—一种调节面部肌肉运动的新方法Myomodulation with Injectable Fillers: An Innovative Approach to Addressing Facial Muscle Movement

5. 面部皮下脂肪室的解剖学研究:数据分析The Functional Anatomy of the Superficial Fat Compartments of the Face: A Detailed Imaging Study

二、 泛读20篇

1. 分期耳再造所用耳后筋膜瓣的解剖学和组织学研究Anatomical and Histological Evaluation of the Retroauricular Fascia Flap for Staged Auricular Reconstruction

2. 清创水刀辅助下小切口液压治疗腋臭Versajet-Assisted Hydraulic Epilation Through Small Incisions for Axillary Osmidrosis

3. 脂肪注射联合背阔肌皮瓣vs假体联合背阔肌皮瓣用于放疗后的乳房重建Outcomes of Fat-Augmented Latissimus Dorsi (FALD) Flap Versus Implant-Based Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Delayed Post-radiation Breast Reconstruction

4. 严重内眦赘皮术后瘢痕的切除及修复手术Epicanthal Restoration Surgery with Scar Excision in Severe Epicanthal Scar

5. 激光病灶内照射治疗填充剂并发症Intralesional Laser Treatment for Dermal Filler Complications

6. 整形外科术后并发症论文书写质量:15年的数据统计Quality of Surgical Outcomes Reporting in Plastic Surgery: A 15-Year Analysis of Complication Data

7. 缝线法预防软骨歪曲The Cartilage Warp Prevention Suture

8. “威利坦”减轻整形外科术后水肿Venoplant Effect in the Management of the Post-operative Oedema in Plastic Surgery: Results of a Randomized and Controlled Clinical Trial

9. 脂肪干细胞在脂肪移植治疗局部硬皮病中的应用Supportive Use of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer for Localized Scleroderma

10. 应用高保真腭裂仿真器评价腭裂手术的技术性能及其学习曲线Assessing Technical Performance and Determining the Learning Curve in Cleft Palate Surgery Using a High-Fidelity Cleft Palate Simulator

11. 外科引流管的最佳使用方式Optimal Use of Surgical Drains: Evidence-Based Strategies

12. 整形外科抗纤溶药物的研究现状与展望Antifibrinolytic Agents in Plastic Surgery: Current Practices and Future Directions

13. 上正中蒂垂直切口法乳房缩小术:乳房对称性和美观的主观及客观评价Superomedial Pedicle Vertical Scar Breast Reduction: Objective and Subjective Assessment of Breast Symmetry and Aesthetics

14. 联合隆乳的乳房缩小术Reductive Augmentation of the Breast

15. 与乳房植入相关的间变性大细胞淋巴瘤的自发性回归与解析Spontaneous Regression and Resolution of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Implications for Research, Diagnosis and Clinical Management

16. 乳癌术后即刻两阶段假体植入乳房重建失败:放射治疗并不是唯一原因Immediate Two-Stage Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction Failure: Radiation Is Not the Only

17. 韩国选美选手与普通年轻女性面部比例的比较:三维摄影分析

18. 颊部锁定(LCL)法三维脸面中部提升和下睑年轻化LCL: (Locked Cheek Lift) Three-Dimensional Cheek Lift and Inferior Palpebral RejuvenationLCL

19. 自体培养成纤维细胞注射矫正鼻唇沟的研究Correcting Nasojugal Groove with Autologous Cultured Fibroblast Injection: A Pilot Study

20. 异体脱细胞真皮修复鼻中隔穿孔Acellular Human Dermal Allograft as a Graft for Nasal Septal Perforation Reconstruction
